NR. 1 – 2012

Rezumate Studii Teologice 2012.1

Rev. Ștefăniță BARBU — Orthodox Diaspora in the Context of the Debates over Primacy

Rezumat: Diaspora ortodoxă în contextul discuțiilor despre primat

Studiul de față este o propunere de a vedea discuțiile purtate la nivel inter-ortodox pe tema diasporei prin prisma operei ecleziologice a mitropolitului Ioannis Zizioulas. Autorul prezentului studiu consideră că există o legătură indisolubilă între problema diasporei, sau mai corect – problema jurisdicției asupra comunităților ortodoxe din diaspora – și problema primatului în Biserica Ortodoxă. Această legătură a devenit mai evidentă cu ocazia recentelor discuții inter-ortodoxe avute la Chambésy (2009) ce au rolul de a pregăti realizarea mult așteptatului Sinod Pan-Ortodox. Read more...

Ilie CHIȘCARI — Is 52:13-53:12 nei manoscritti biblici del Mar Morto

Summary: Is 52:13-53:12 in the Biblical Dead Sea Scrolls

The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls opened a new direction for Biblical Studies research, allowing scholars to compare texts that had previously been known only in the Old Testament corpus of writings, with this rich collection of biblical and non-biblical literature. The Isaiah scroll is one of the major writings among the Qumran documents, and the only biblical text found to be almost complete (1QIsaa). Read more...

Pr. Radu Petre MUREȘAN — Anunțul morții și practici funerare în societatea românească după 1990

Summary: Obituaries and Funeral Practices in the Romanian Society after 1990

Contemporary Romanian society is undergoing an interesting restructuring of religious mentality. On the one hand, traditional Christian values are restored after 50 years of atheist propaganda; on the other, we witness a new secularization process, mainly affecting the generations born and educated over the last 20 years. It is manifest in a de-Christianized perception of world and life, and the separation of religious experience from the Church, as an institution. The present study addresses the extent to which the views on death and the attitude towards the deceased are still anchored in traditional Christian values, or in this new paradigm of secularization. Read more...

Oana Mădălina POPESCU — Mănăstirea Zlătari din București sub domnia lui Constantin Brâncoveanu: documente noi

Summary: Zlătari Monastery during the Reign of Constantin Brâncoveanu: New Documents

This study is based on some information, provided by several new documents, unpublished up to now, regarding the history of Zlătari, a monastic church in Bucharest. Dating back from the second half of the sixteenth century, in accordance with the archaeological evidences, this church appears in written documents only at the middle of the seventeenth century. Read more...

Tarcisius MOVILEANU — Relațiile Bisericii Ortodoxe Române cu Patriarhia Ecumenică între anii 1960-2010

Summary: The Relationships of the Romanian Orthodox Church with the Ecumenical Patriarchate between 1960-2010

In its first part, the paper presents the problems of contemporary society, the state of mankind and the contribution of Orthodoxy in this confused world, estranged from God. The Orthodox Church comprises several autocephalous national Churches, completely independent from each other. This does not mean that Orthodoxy has ceased to constitute a community, to be a unitary ecumenical Church. Read more...

Daniel LEMENI — „Școala din Gaza”: o renaștere a îndrumării spirituale în tradiția bizantină timpurie

Summary: „Gaza School”: A Revival of Spiritual Guidance in Early Byzantine Tradition

The present study, based on the Correspondence of two great Elders,  respectively the personality of Abba Dorotheus, their most outstanding disciple, aims to ascertain how spiritual guidance was appropriated by early Byzantine tradition. Since the role of spiritual directors assumed by Saints Barsanuphios and John – the two remarkable figures of Gaza monasticism – was exerted both within the monastery and outside it, a first conclusion is, naturally, that the network of spiritual directors settled at Tawatha was the local expression of an extremely flexible, elastic system of spiritual guidance, unmatched in Eastern Mediterranean Christianity. Thus, the participation of laymen in the vast correspondence exchanged by the two Elders in their capacity as spiritual fathers, throughout their lives, has challenged the traditional view on spiritual guidance understood ipso facto as an exclusive relationsip between monks. Read more...

Pr. Patriciu VLAICU — Biserica Ortodoxă în fața problematicii căsătoriilor mixte

Summary: The Orthodox Church’s Position towards Mixed Marriages

In today’s context marked by cultural and religious pluralism, professional mobility, massive population displacements, a new attitude towards communications, time and space, the matter of mixed marriages is increasingly important and requires a responsible doctrinal and canonical approach. The present study offers the author’s threefold perspective – from the doctrinal, canonical and pastoral standpoint – on the extremely relevant and complex issue of mixed marriages. Read more...

Arhim. Policarp CHIȚULESCU — Noi manuscrise – posibile autografe – aparținând monahului Gavriil Uric de la Neamț

Summary: New Manuscripts Written by the monk Gavriil Uric from the Neamț Monastery

In the collections of the Holy Synod Library in Bucharest, there have recently been discovered two manuscripts from the XVth century, written by the hand of the great Romanian artist the monk Gavriil Uric from the Neamț monastery. The two manuscripts contain literary pieces by very well known byzantine authors: the saints John of Damascus, Gregory the Theologian, Theodor the Studite and others. The manuscripts are copied with cursive characters in the medio-Bulgarian language, conceived by the Slavonic School at the Studion monastery in Constantinople, which had strong ties with the Romanian Countries. The two manuscripts enrich the repertoir of works copied by Gavriil Uric, enlarging the list of the 20 manuscripts known so far, copied by Gavriil Uric: 12 are in Romania, 7 in Russia, 1 in Ukraine, 1 in Moldova, 1 in England. The content of the two volumes that were recently discovered shows the fact that Romanian monks knew the works of more recent byzantine authors, like for example the patriarch of Constantinople Gregory of Cyprus.

Marian CROITORU — Transplanturile de organe în lumina Teologiei ortodoxe: câteva considerații din gândirea unor teologi greci, decizii și texte sinodale din lumea ortodoxă privind transplanturile și problematica lor teologico-morală

Summary: Organ Transplantation in the Light of the Orthodox Theology

Transplantation, which is the transfer of organs, cells and tissues, began many centuries ago as a primitive practice and has since evolved into a modern reality. Written accounts from Egypt, China, Greece and India, dating back many centuries, describe experimentation in grafting and transplantation. Chronic organ diseases and the increasing demand for organ transplantation have become important health care issues within the last few decades. Further efforts to avoid and control the mechanism of rejection of the transplanted organs led to the discovery of new drugs, still without overcoming the problem of the immune response. Read more...

Pr. Sorin ȘELARU / George VÂLCU — Studiul Religiei (SR) în școlile publice din statele membre ale Uniunii Europene

Summary: Religious Education (RE) in Public Schools of the Member States of the European Union

In the past few years, a fiery debate has been going on in Romania concerning the role and status of Religious Education (RE) or lack thereof in the state school system. In this context, it has often been claimed that the current state of affairs, which provides for a weekly class of RE in the primary and secondary cycles, is in obvious contradiction with European realities and trends, and thus hinders the democratic evolution and the progress in knowledge of the society. On the other hand, more than a few citizens regard Europe rather suspiciously, and consider that if RE will eventually be x-out, this will certainly be an outcome of the way too enthusiastic obedience to the omnipotent orders and directives coming from Brussels. Yet even a hasty overview of the facts reveals, quite to the contrary, that the presence of RE is even being consolidated at both communitarian and national level throughout the EU. Read more...

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