NR. 2 – 2012

Rezumate Studii Teologice 2012.2

Corneliu CONSTANTINEANU — Narrative Interpretation in the Pauline Writings (II): Christological References and Narrative Motifs in Romans 5-8

Rezumat: Interpretare narativă în scrierile pauline (II): referințe hristologice și elemente narative în Romani 5-8

Articolul „Narrative interpretation in the Pauline writings (II): Christological references and rarrative motifs in Romans 5-8” construiește pe metoda narativă de interpretare în scrierile pauline și oferă o analiză exegetică a pasajului din Epistola către Romani 5-8, cu un accent deosebit pus pe referințele hristologice și elementele narative din acel text biblic. Read more...

Pr. Ioan C. TEȘU — Metafizica suferinței

Summary: The metaphysics of suffering

The actuality and universality of human suffering is one of the most painful truths of human existence; man’s life may be described as a constant struggle against physical and moral afflictions, hardships, suffering and pain, illness and death. In this respect opinions, beliefs, behaviours and conduct range from denial and rejection, to despair and despondency or, on the contrary, acceptance in the Christian spirit, understanding their deep significance and consequently facing and overcoming them with dignity and and spiritual loftiness. Therefore Orthodox spirituality has developed a teaching full of Christian optimism and trust in God’s assistance, which lends hardships, pain and suffering a positive and salvific quality. Read more...

Ciprian STREZA — Boala și suferința în tradiția liturgică a Bisericii

Summary: Illness and suffering in the liturgical tradition of the Church

Illness and suffering are closely related to post-adamic human existence. To every person, they represent meaningful experiences that challenge one’s inner resources, faith and the relationship with God. Modern society, however, perceives suffering as a repugnant reality; nowadays, the industry of affluence and instant gratification has engulfed all aspects of human existence, while biological life, psychological and physical health, the pursuit of pleasure and analgesia seen as a value of civilization and goal of society – these are the ultimate values sought by man, who expects salvation from medicine and turns the physician into the new priest of modern times. Read more...

Monica OPRIȘ — Metodologia cercetării pedagogice în domeniul educației religioase. Specific, particularități, dificultăți

Summary: The methodology of pedagogical research into religious education. Characteristics and challenges

Pedagogical research into religious education is relatively new to Romanian theology, since the communist regime completely forbid it for obvious reasons: the Church was the only factor overtly opposing the official, atheist doctrine. Communist authorities were less apprehensive about liturgical or systematic theology, however in the educational realm any novel perspectives able to open new vistas on the world or interdisciplinary collaboration – mainly with humanities – were hindered drastically. Read more...

Octavian GORDON — „«Bucură-te, cea plină de daruri!» Note critice și traductologice pe marginea epitetului mariologic κεχαριτωμενη”

Summary: «Rejoice, highly favoured one!» Critical and Translation Notes on the Mariological Epithet Κεχαριτωμένη

In the present study we tried to analyse the Bible hapax legomenon «κεχαριτωμένη» (Lk 1, 28) not only from the perspective of its manuscript transmission within the frame of the biblical literature or from a hermeneutical point of view, but also from the perspective of its liturgical integration and use in the Eastern Church. The starting point of our research was the simultaneous existence in the liturgical Romanian actual practice of at least three different equivalents of gr. κεχαριτωμένη: plină de dar (litt. ‘full of grace’), plină de daruri (litt. ‘full of gifts’) and plină de har (litt. ‘full of grace’)[1]. Our investigation showed that, from the beginning of the Romanian literature, i.e. from the 16th century onwards, there are more than a dozen of more or less functional Romanian equivalents of this mariological epithet. Read more...

Dumitru-Mitruț POPOIU — Metoda istorico-critică și cea semiotico-critică în cercetarea biblică germană contemporană

Summary: The Historical-Critical and the Semiotical-Critical Methods in Contemporary Biblical German Research

Method is the procedure employed by any investigation. It ensures clarity and order in the interpretation process, which is supposed to be an objective approach, in order to render research universally applicable. Theology, whose aim is salvation as intersubjective relationship among persons, is a highly difficult research field since spiritual processes cannot be assimilated through textbook prescriptions. However, the argumentation of the truths of faith follows precise steps, which can be taught. Therefore, research methods are necessary in order for theology to maintain the dialogue with other sciences. Read more...

Cezar UNGUREANU — Expresii antinomice în antropologia paulină. O perspectivă teologică asupra textului din 2 Co 4, 16

Summary: Antinomic Phrases in Pauline Anthropology. A Theological Perspective on 2 Co 4, 7-18

The present article addresses the antinomic phrases in Pauline anthropology. Such a phrase contains the antinomy: ὁ ἔξω ἄνθρωπος – ὁ ἔσω ἄνθρωπος (2 Co 4, 16; Rm 7, 22; Ef 3, 16). Our objective is to demonstrate that the conjunctional structure ἀλλ᾽ εἰ καὶ in 2 Co 4, 16 does not make suffering a sine qua non condition for the renewal of the inward man. The method employed is the analysis of textual structures facilitating the correct understanding of the relationship inward/ outward man. Read more...

Ciprian Iulian TOROCZKAI — Antropologia teologică a lui Ioannis Zizioulas: Câteva considerații critice și răspunsul la ele

Summary: Ioannis Zizioulas’ theological anthropology: criticism and response

The present study provides the first thorough presentation, in the Romanian theological realm, of the anthropological stance adopted by Ioannis Zizioulas (born 1943), currently the metropolitan of Pergamon, and maybe the most influential contemporary Orthodox theologian (both in the Orthodox theological milieu and the ecumenical one). It is a critical presentation, that discusses the criticism against him, formulated by Edward Russell, Lucian Turcescu and John Breck, as well as the response it elicited – not from metropolitan Ioannis Zizioulas himself, but from two of his supporters: Alan Brown and Aristotle Papanikolaou. Read more...

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