NR. 4 – 2010

Rezumate Studii Teologice 2010.4

† DANIEL — Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu transmis prin mass-media

Summary: The word of God conveyed through the mass-media

Proclaiming the word of God is the primordial calling of the Church (cf. Matt 28, 18-20; Acts 1, 8, and so on), its missionary work for the life of the world. Preaching the word of God has a distinct salvific goal: to call human beings towards partaking of the life of the crucified, resurrected and glorified Christ, in order to gain the divine, eternal life and joy. Therefore, in every historical era, dynamic religious communities have been actively involved in knowing and employing the new communication technologies. Read more...

Iuliana CONOVICI — Tradition, Community and Authority on the Romanian “Orthodox Web”

Rezumat: Tradiție, comunitate și autoritate pe „Internetul ortodox” românesc

În comunitatea de cercetare internațională, cercetarea fenomenelor sociale de pe Internet se conturează din ce în ce mai clar ca un subdomeniu specific de cercetare în științele sociale – inclusiv în domeniul studiului religiei. Prezența ortodoxă românească pe internet rămâne un teritoriu încă neexplorat sistematic de cercetătorii fenomenului religios, fie ei specialiști în științe sociale sau teologi. Read more...

Pr. Nicolae DASCĂLU — Comunicatorul creștin și vocația lui de a fi „sarea pământului”

Summary: The Christian communicator and his calling to be “the salt of the earth”

Technological developments in the realm of communication create new ways of expression through the mass-media. The role of professional communicators also gains more importance in the relationship with the audience and the dynamics of today’s society. Mass-media communicators, be they Christians or non-Christians, are the new social elite, due to their engagement with the activity of public information and exertion of the freedom of expression, guaranteed by democratic systems. Read more...

Pr. Marius Daniel CIOBOTĂ — Dimensiunea interpersonală a comunicării omiletice

Summary: The Interpersonal Dimension of Homiletic Communication

Due to its complexity and manifold manifestations, interpersonal communication is the paradigm of all other communication forms. Theoreticians have defined six main objectives evincing this character: inner knowledge (self-knowledge); knowledge of the outside world; establishing and maintaining significant relationships with other persons; persuading the interlocutor – that is, influencing and changing one’s opinions, beliefs, attitudes and behaviour; assisting other persons; play or entertainment. Read more...

Pr. Iulian NISTEA — Internetul: tendințe și pastorație

Summary: The Internet: Trends and Pastoral Work

Internet’s world, like any other “worlds” or “media,” needs Christianity, just as Orthodox Christianity cannot ignore the Internet. Despised by Orthodox spiritual circles, long deemed as a mere virtual escape, unreal and illusory, the fast-expanding Internet is instrumental to coherent pastoral activity, fitted for the cyberspace. However, this presence of Christianity in the world of the Internet is not a random one, but it is governed by Christian pastoral principles able to lend coherence and consistency to the Christian mission. Read more...

Maria ALUAȘ — Radioul ca mijloc de comunicare a mesajului evanghelic

Summary: The radio as a means of conveying the evangelical message

The present study describes the peculiarities and complexity of radio communication, especially the characteristic elements of a Christian radio station. The study addresses in turn the specificity and particularities of radio communication, as well as the editorial lines of European Christian radio stations, mainly those pertaining to the Romanian Orthodox Church. Read more...

Pr. Nicolae DINU — Reflectarea evenimentului religios în edițiile on-line ale presei laice și bisericești

Summary: Religious events covered by on-line lay and church press

Communication is a fundamental human activity, conveying symbols and messages that are essential for interpersonal relationships. Mass-media are not mere tools intended to convey and highlight messages, but they are also deeply involved in the communication process. Their goal is to substantiate the force of the communicated contents – the word and its culturalizing character. Virtual space and the expanding media sector have prompted a reconsideration of the attitude towards traditional media, on-line journalism determining the emergence of alternative ways of disseminating information, as well as a more dynamic relationship between journalists and their readership. Read more...

Petru Cristian STOIAN — Predicarea eficientă. tehnici pentru depășirea „rezistenței la persuasiune” a auditoriului

Summary: “The resistance to persuasion”. Techniques to overcome “the resistance to persuasion”

Recent Psychology studies have revealed a very important phenomenon in the delivery of an effective or persuasive sermon, i.e. “the resistance to persuasion”. This phenomenon is an instinctive gesture that every person makes whenever he or she feels that he or she is about to be persuaded. The main cause of this reaction lies in the preservation instinct. Read more...

Paul SILADI — Fundamentarea teoretică și idealurile presei lutherane conform Publizistischer Gesamtplan der Evangelischen Kirche in Deuschland (1979)

Summary: Theoretical Fundamentation and Ideals of German Lutheran Press acccording to Publizistischer Gesamtplan der Evangelischen Kirche in Deuschland

In Germany the Lutheran press has a long tradition, which made it possible for the Lutheran Church to set down a complete and complex vision of the mission of ecclesiastical press in 1979. The article begins with a contextualisation of why such a topic would be relevant for the Romanian milieu, followed by a presentation of the main sources used – both documents of the Lutheran Church and academic studies. Read more...

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