NR. 3 – 2010

Rezumate Studii Teologice 2010.3

Pr. Viorel IONIȚĂ — Die Apostolizität der Kirche aus der Sicht der Rumänischen Orthodoxen Kirche

Rezumat: Apostolicitatea Bisericii din punctul de vedere al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române

Tema Apostolicității Bisericii stă în strânsă legătură cu temele ultimelor două întruniri de dialog dintre Biserica Ortodoxă Română și Biserica Evanghelică din Germania. Cu privire la tematica acestei întâlniri, Sf. Sinod al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române a recomandat, la sesiunea sa din 29 noiembrie 2008, ca temele ce urmează să fie discutate în cadrul acestui dialog să fie tratate dintr-o perspectivă pastoral-misionară și că acest dialog va trebui să folosească o metodologie care să reflecte cooperarea practică dintre aceste Biserici, precum si aplicarea sa la situația concretă a diasporei românești din Germania. Read more...

Pr. Georgian PĂUNOIU — Scrierile Sfântului Isaac Sirul și circulația lor în lumea creștină

Summary: The Writings of St. Isaac the Syrian and Their Circulation Throughout the Christian World

The very rich tradition of manuscripts and text editions proves that the writings of St. Isaac the Syrian enjoyed widespread circulation, as they were read, translated and constantly re-published both in the East and West. Studied by the Church Fathers, Islam mystics, Christian writers, ascetics and contemporary scholars alike, St. Isaac has not remained an isolated, obscure author of a thriving age of Syriac literature, but he has enjoyed general appreciation since the 9th century to this day. Scholarly research into the writings of St. Isaac of Niniveh acknowledges three parts as authentic. Read more...

Pr. George V. PALADE— „«Botezul Domnului» în iconografia bisericilor din nordul Moldovei și «Zapisul lui Adam»”

Abstract: “Lord’s Baptism” in the iconography of Northern Moldavian churches, and “Adam’s covenant”

The iconographical study presents and analyzes the “Lord’s Baptism” icons in northern Moldavia, whose common peculiarity is their placing in the Saviour’s left hand a scroll bearing the words: “Adam’s covenant”. Starting from the liturgical event of the Baptism, the study dwells on the beauty of divine services and reveals the importance and richness of liturgical hymns and their consecrated authors, the great patristic and philokalic theologians: St. John Damascene (†749), St. Cosmas of Maiuma or the Melodist (†781), St. Andrew of Crete (†740) or St. Joseph of Studion (†829). Their poetic creations stem from their meditations on New Testament texts and theologize about the Lord’s Baptism. Church history tells us that the icon of “The Lord’s Baptism” accompanied the liturgical life of the early Christian centuries, and was present in the iconographic and liturgical worship program. Read more...

Daniela BOLOZAN — Femeia în referatul creației – elemente de antropologie

Abstract: The Woman in the Biblical Account of Creation: Elements of Anthropology

Starting from an exegesis of the Hebrew text of the biblical account of the creation –  as literal, objective and especially freed from outdated notions rooted in the Jewish tradition as possible –  I have endeavoured to answer questions posed throughout the times, concerning the feminine anthropology. Is woman anthropologically equal or inferior to man, does she rank second within the creation? Is she equally made in the image of God? Is the text of Genesis 3, 16 an argument for subjecting her, in the sense and ways she has been humiliated, oppressed, deprived of the rights due to her as a being created in the image of God? Read more...

Ilie CHIȘCARI — Ponțiu Pilat – persecutor sau mărturisitor al lui Hristos? Ponțiu Pilat în simbolurile de credință ale bisericii primare

Summary: Pontius Pilate – a persecutor or a confessor of Christ? Pontius Pilate in the early Church Creeds

The announcement that Christ had been crucified by sentence of Pontius Pilate, the Roman Prefect of Judaea, represents the first step in the developement of what might have seemed an unimportant historical detail into a vital element of faith, which ultimately provided Christians with a succint formula to describe the Lord in whom they believed. The fourth article of the Christian Church’s Creed contains the following words: «and was crucified under Pontius Pilate» (σταυρωθέντα τε ὑπὲρ ἡμῶν ἐπὶ Ποντίου Πιλάτου). Read more...

Justin A. MIHOC — The Ascension Narratives in Luke-Acts

Rezumat: Descrierile Înălțării în Evanghelia după Luca și Faptele Apostolilor

Pe parcursul acestui articol am încercat să ofer o analiză a textelor lucane ce descriu Înălțarea Mântuitorului (Lc 24, 50-53; FA 1, 9-11), precum și o interpretare teologică a pericopelor ce urmează modelul exegezei patristice. Metodologic, analizele diacronică (critică textuală, a formei și a sursei) și cea sincronică (critică narativă) sunt combinate pentru a fixa baza pe care se poate construi o lectură teologică a textului ca scriptură canonică. Read more...

Teodora TECULESCU — Perspectiva biblică asupra practicilor funerare în Israelul Antic

Summary: The Biblical Perspective on Funeral Rites in Ancient Israel

Funeral rites of Ancient Israel express the old Jewish vision on man, death and afterlife, since no ritual could be adopted if it weren’t rooted in faith. Any aspect of old Jewish burial is relevant and should be interpreted only in its proper Jewish context. Read more...

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