NR. 2 – 2010

Rezumate Studii Teologice 2010.2

Pr. Vasile RĂDUCĂ — Paternitate și asceză în scrisorile Sfântului Vasile cel Mare (I)

Summary: Fatherhood and Ascesis in the Writings of St. Basil the Great (I)

The present study addresses St. Basil the Great’s activity as a spiritual director and ascetical father, as described by his correspondence prior to his ordination as bishop. His considerable ascetic experience and sacerdotal worth evinced by this correspondence, confirm his calling as a spiritual director, an example and a teacher in every way. Read more...

Pr. Constantin PREDA — „Saul – care se numește și Pavel”– apostolul evreu al ne-evreilor

Summary: “Saul – also known as Paul” – the Jewish apostle to the Gentiles

The present study aims to provide a biographic profile of St. Paul as described in the New Testament, especially the two canonical sources, the Apostle’s Epistles and the Acts of Apostles, written by St. Luke, his first biographer. Exegetic scholarship of the last decade has reconsidered a number of sources and focused more on the information provided by the Acts of Apostles, for a long time unjustly deemed to be a secondary source. Read more...

Pr. Theodor DAMIAN — Câteva aspecte ale teologiei despre puterea lui Dumnezeu la Sfântul Grigorie de Nyssa

Summary: St. Gregory of Nyssa: Aspects of God’s Power Theology

“God’s power” is a central theme in the theology of St. Gregory of Nyssa, a fervent defender of Orthodoxy, a great mystic and one of the founders of apophatic theology. We see God’s power in its manifestations within the created world. The entire Universe depends on the power of God’s Word. God’s power is eternal, independent from the created world, all-encompassing, sovereign, indivisible, unlimited, omniscient, unchanged versus creation and death, indiminishable, vivifying, salvific. Read more...

Alexandru L. ARION — Considerații asupra conceptului zoroastrian de divinitate

Summary: Considerations about the Zoroastrian Concept of Divinity

“Zoroastrian dualism” is perhaps the most famous phrase about this ancient religion of Zoroaster. And although dualism seems to represent the characteristic feature of Iranian religion in ancient and medieval times, however, there were scholars who have downplayed the importance of its dual elements, reaching to state the monotheist nature of Zoroastrianism. Read more...

Ștefan IONESCU-BERECHET — Το αγιον μανδηλιον: istoria unei tradiții

Summary: ΤΟ ΑΓΙΟΝ ΜΑΝΔΗΛΙΟΝ: The History of a Tradition

Starting from a short historical and theological presentation of the icons ’not made by a human hand’, the present study aims at showing the phases that forged the tradition of the Holy Mandylion of our Lord in Edessa. It reconstitutes the main moments of its history that were certified with documentary evidence (its transfer to Constantinople in 944, event liturgically celebrated in the Orthodox Church on the 16th of August; the period when it was placed with the treasure of the Pharos imperial chapel, followed by its disappearance in 1204, when the Byzantine capital-city was occupied by the knights of the IVth Crusade), as well as the echoes left by the Holy Mandylion in the orthodox iconography until the XIVth century. Read more...

Pr. Bogdan-Aurel TELEANU — Mesajul credinței împărtășit prin mijloace moderne de comunicare

Summary: The Message of Faith Conveyed through Means of Communication

Over the last years, the Romanian Patriarchate has made significant progress in the realm of institutional social communication, by creating or developing Orthodox means of communication, from the daily “Ziarul Lumina” to the radio and TV station TRINITAS or the press agency BASILICA. With the establishment of the BASILICA press center – including the Press Bureau, the radio station, the TV station, the daily publication and the press agency – which allowed further missionary activity in the public sphere, the Romanian Orthodox Church integrated itself into the new cultural trend of our present times, known as “media culture”. Read more...

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