NR. 1 – 2023

Rezumate Studii Teologice 2023.1

Conf. dr. Daniel LΕΜΕΝΙ – „Școala din Gaza” și profilul teologico-spiritual al monahismului palestinian timpuriu

Summary: “The School of Gaza” and the Theological-Spiritual Model of Early Palestinian Monasticism

This paper proposes an innovative approach to understanding Barsanuphius and John’s monastic spirituality by analyzing the practice of spiritual guidance as exemplified by the school of Gaza. Since the role of spiritual guides embodied by Saints Barsanuphius and John – the two remarkable figures of early Palestinian monasticism – was carried out both within the monastery and outside, a first conclusion is that the network of spiritual guides that settled at Tawatha was the local expression of an extremely flexible, elastic system of spiritual direction, unmatched in Eastern Mediterranean Christianity. Thus, the participation of laymen in the vast corpus of letters by the two elders in their capacity as spiritual fathers, throughout their lives, has challenged the traditional view on spiritual guidance understood ipso facto as an exclusive relationship between monks. Read more...

Pr. lect. dr. Nichifor TĂNASE – Ἄσκησις și spiritualitatea isihastă – corectiv la „practicile sinelui” (ἐπιμελεια ἑαυτου) “noului ascetism”

Summary: Ἄσκησισ and Hesychast Spirituality – A Corrective to the “Practices of the Self” (ἐπιμέλεια ἑαυτοῦ) of “the New Asceticism”

The ascetical effort is the human person’s continual striving for purification and return both to God and to his/her true “self”, which is “enhypostasized in Christ” since the moment of Baptism. Our image becomes imprinted by the image of Christ (Gal 4:19), who becomes the human person’s “real self”. The intellect/mind will, however, turn, not only towards the heart, but towards the self itself (Tr. 1.2.4: Ἡμεῖς δέ, μὴ μόνον εἴσω τοῦ σώματος καὶ τῆς καρδίας, ἀλλὰ καὶ τὸν αὐτὸν αὐτοῦ πάλιν εἴσω πέμπομεν τὸν νοῦν). For the formulation of this argument St. Gregory seems to rely mainly on the work Divine Names, where Dionysius distinguishes between three motions of the soul: the straight, circular and spiral motion (DN 4.9). Read more...

Asist. Prof. PhD. Viorel COMAN – Ecclesiological Models in Father Dumitru Stăniloae’s Theology

Rezumat: Modele ecleziologice în teologia părintelui Dumitru Stăniloae

Având în vedere locul central ocupat de învățătura despre Biserică în teologia părintelui Dumitru Stăniloae, acest studiu oferă o analiză schematică a reflecțiilor sale ecleziologice. Cercetarea pune un accent deosebit pe o evoluție esențială care a avut loc în abordarea Părintelui Stăniloae cu privire la învățătura despre Biserică. Această evoluție a fost în mare măsură neglijată de specialiștii în domeniu: trecerea de la o ecleziologie hristologică, la un model trinitar al Bisericii. În timp ce ecleziologia timpurie a Părintelui Stăniloae (înainte de anii 1960) a construit edificiul Bisericii mai ales cu material hristologic, ecleziologia sa ulterioară a ancorat Biserica într-o schemă Trinitară, fără a renunța la coloana vertebrală a acesteia, hristologia. Este de la sine înțeles că acest studiu nu abordează toate aspectele ecleziologice ale teologiei Părintelui Stăniloae; o astfel de sarcină nu poate fi îndeplinită în limitele unui articol. De aceea, articolul lucrează cu ceea ce am putea numi capita selecta. Read more...

Dr. Andrei Emanuel RADU – Sf. Ioan Maximovici – mărturisitor al Adevărului prin viață și cuvânt

Summary: Saint John Maximovitch: Witness of Truth Through Life and Word

Saint John Maximovitch was born on June 4, 1986, in a village in southern Russia called Adamovka, into a noble family, with his uncle serving as a professor at the University of Kiev. After completing gymnasium at the Poltava Military School in 1914, he enrolled in the Faculty of Law at the Imperial University of Kharkov, gra­duating in 1918. Following a brief legal career in Kharkov, the future bishop, along with his parents, siblings, and sister, was evacuated to Belgrade, where he completed his studies in theology in 1925. In 1924, he took the monastic vows, receiving the name John, and was later ordained a monk. Read more...

Dr. Florin ȘTEFAN – Rolul practicilor spirituale și al atenției în supravegherea conținuturilor mentale și în purificarea gândurilor pătimașe

Summary: The Role of Spiritual Practices and Watchfulness in Overseeing Mental Contents and Purifying Passionate Thoughts

Since the last century, research in embryology, quantum electrodynamics, and natural electromagnetic fields has spoken of the existence of a biological field that represents a pre-established informational pattern for organisms in the process of development. Consequently, the state of living beings involves a coupling of the biochemical and energetic domains. Aleksandr Samuilovich Presman suggested that organisms are sensitive antennas that receive both exogenous and endogenous electromagnetic fields, while Herbert Frohlich proposed coherent oscillations that gene­rate an endogenous electromagnetic field in the organism. The theory of unique bio-photons emitted by organisms (ultra-luminous emissions) suggests that this emission is coherent and contains biological information about the organism. Bio-photons may be involved in intracellular communication between organisms. Constantin Dulcan speaks about the existence of a biological energetic field resulting from the electromagnetic emissions generated by each living organism around it. Our bioenergetic state depends on our mental and physical performance. Read more...

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