NR. 4 – 2022

Rezumate Studii Teologice 2022.4

Pr. lect. dr. Zaharia MATEI – Anton Pann – protopsalt, profesor, compozitor și traducător al cântărilor bisericești în limba română, în prima jumătate a secolului al XIX-lea

Summary: Anton Pann – Protopsalter, Professor, Composer, and Translator of Church Music into Romanian in the First Half of the 19th Century

Along with Makarios the Hieromonk, Anton Pann was known as a worthy ser­vant of the Romanian clerkly music. Regarding his contribution to the Romanian music and culture, the Romanian culture was and will always be grateful for the work he has done for the Romanian people. There is a lot of material written about Anton Pann, as his activity was analysed from many different points of view: as a poet, folklorist, fabulist, translator, author and collector of carols and folk songs; but he was also analyzed as a translator and composer of clerkly music. In this article, we would like to show his contribution to the enrichment of the psaltic repertoire. Read more...

Dr. Emanuel Andrei RADU – Necrologul patristic – izvor prioritar pentru cel actual

Summary: The Patristic Obituary – A Priority Source [of Inspiration] for the Contemporary Obituary

The funeral or memorial address given in honor of the departed is referred to as the obituary. The particularity of Christ the Savior’s teaching provided the obituary in Christianity a new identity, despite the fact that it had already filtered through pagan society. The Church Fathers enhanced the form and content of the burial speech during the pinnacle of Christianity by adjusting the exigencies of pagan rhe­toric to Christian morals and integrating elements from the panegyric. Read more...

Drd. Florin ȘTEFAN – Sfânta Euharistie – leac al bolii și arvună a nemuririi

Summary: The Holy Eucharist – The Cure of Disease and the Foretaste of Immortality

Food nourishes our body and sustains our biological life, but there is also food that nourishes our spiritual life. This incorruptible food is the Holy Eucharist, also called the Bread of Life. It is necessary to say that food sustains biological life, but it does not have life in itself; but, on the contrary, it subjects the body to decay and death. Nevertheless, the bread and wine receive the quality of transcending the plane of material life, as they are transformed, through the descent of the Holy Spi­rit, at the epicletic moment of the Holy Liturgy, into the Body and Blood of Christ. Thus, the Eucharistic Bread becomes truly alive and conveys immortality: “The one who feeds on me will live because of Me” (Jn 6:57). Read more...

Diac. drd. George Adrian ȘERBAN – Cunoașterea lui Dumnezeu ca experiență eclesială în teologia Părintelui Dumitru Stăniloae

Summary: Knowledge of God as Ecclesial Experience in Fr. Dumitru Stăniloae’s Theology

According to Fr. Stăniloae, the knowledge of God is defined and systematized by dogmatic theology but experienced concretely in spirituality and in the liturgical worship of the Church. He insisted on the necessity of a permanent reference to worship, spirituality and the life of the Church when we talk about God. Through this, the Orthodox specificity of the dogmatic teaching about the knowledge of God is rediscovered, which consists in the synthesis between cataphatic and apophatic knowledge, in the openness to the worship and spirituality of the Church, in its confessional dimension. Read more...

Drd. Iulian Cosmin CÂRSTEA – Îndumnezeirea omului și consecințele ei asupra creației

Summary: The Deification of the Human Being and Its Consequences for Creation

We know through revelation that God creates the world through His will, wisdom and power. It does not emanate from God and is not part of Him but is brought into existence out of nothing. This clear distinction between creation and Creator is of crucial importance, showing us that without a relationship to God that transcends creation, the latter is meaningless, locked in a cyclicality that leads nowhere. Moreover, without its Creator, the world returns to the non-being from which it was raised, since it is not eternal but dependent on God. Read more...

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