NR. 2 – 2022

Rezumate Studii Teologice 2022.2

Pr. prof. dr. Ștefan ILOAIE – Frumusețile și provocările bătrâneții. Perspective morale

Summary: The Beauties and Challenges of Old Age. Moral Perspectives

The state of being old is not solely determined by the number of years one has lived; it is equally influenced by an individual’s inner state. In this context, some people may be young in years but exhibit characteristics associated with old age, while others may be considered old despite their youth. Paradoxically, beauty can be identified in the aging process. This includes the satisfaction derived from past experiences, the realization of accomplishments, inner peace, and the comforting assurance that rest will be found, both from unrealized goals and the satisfaction of having done one’s best. Read more...

Pr. prof. dr. habil. Gabriel-Viorel GÂRDAN – Spiritualitate și management în activitatea de îngrijire instituționalizată a persoanelor vârstnice

Summary: Spirituality and Management in the Institutional Care of the Elderly

Institutional care for the elderly is the most complex type of care, involving specialised human resources and the highest costs, over an indefinite time-horizon. This type of care is aimed at people whose degree of autonomy is significantly reduced and who require support in carrying out daily activities and specialist care. Institutionalisation is both a failure and an opportunity. Read more...

Prof. dr. Cristina GAVRILUȚĂ – Pot fi bătrânii fericiți?

Summary: Can the Elderly Be Happy?

The above proves that the elderly can be happy, provided that society develops a series of social policies appropriate to them, but also to the extent that seniors have learned the lessons of life and lived experiences. The art of living a happy old age is equally about a recalibration of our existence from the perspective of the corporeal, the social and most especially from the spiritual perspective. Finally, in old age, happiness consists in living your age with dignity and in exiting the stage of life with the joy of having fulfilled the order of nature and having usefully passed through this formidable human experience.

Albert E. ALEJO, SJ – ‘Alagàng matandâ’: Voices of Elderly Filipino Caregivers Who Take Care of Elderly Italian Employers

Summary: ‘Alagàng Matandâ’. Voices of Elderly Filipino Caregivers Who Take Care of Elderly Italian Employers

În literatura de specialitate referitoare la problema îngrijirii la domiciliu a vârstnicilor italieni (anziani), majoritatea studiilor se concentrează aproape exclusiv asupra fenomenului tinerilor imigranți filipinezi (badanti) din Peninsula Italică, care oferă servicii de îngrijire sub un triplu aranjament: (i) FISSA – când îngrijitorul locuiește permanent cu bătrânul respectiv; (ii) LUNGO ORATIO – când îngrijitorul petrece între 6 și 8 ore la domiciliul bătrânului; și (iii) PART TIMER – când îngrijitorul merge la domiciliul bătrânului doar atunci când este solicitat. Ceea ce literatura de specialitate ignoră este tocmai fenomenul imigranților filipinezi vârstnici (60-65+ ani), care se ocupă cu îngrijirea bătrânilor italieni. Read more...

Pr. dr. Ilarion MÂȚĂ – Axiologia senectuții. Îmbătrânirea activă din perspectiva tinerilor de astăzi – studiu de caz

Summary: Axiology of Ageing. Active Ageing from the Perspective of Today’s Youth – A Case Study

Social assistance is the process by which citizens benefit from social protec­tion measures and professional help in order to meet their needs and to integrate well into society. In this context, the set of professional activities through which people can benefit from the assistance process in order to solve or improve their situation is the social assistance process. Psychological aging is the result of age-induced changes in biostructures, which constitute the material support of mental life and in that of the actual performance of mental functions. Read more...

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