NR. 4 – 2021

Rezumate Studii Teologice 2021.4

Pr. prof. emerit dr. Ștefan BUCHIU – Specificul și unicitatea contribuției Părintelui Dumitru Stăniloae la înnoirea teologiei dogmatice ortodoxe

Summary: The Specificity and Uniqueness of Father Dumitru Stăniloae’s Contribution to the Renewal of Orthodox Dogmatic Theology

Father Dumitru Stăniloae contributed decisively to the renewal of Orthodox dogmatic theology, demonstrating that this is a theology of experience, biblically groun­ded, patristically explained and expressed in the Liturgy and spirituality of the Orthodox Church. In his theology, the understanding of dogma is always personalist, integrated in the communion between God and man, and dynamic, as a continuous experience towards human perfection, and not distant or abstract. Read more...

Pr. prof. dr. Nicușor BELDIMAN – Părintele Profesor Dumitru Stăniloae – propovăduitor al iubirii Preasfintei Treimi

Summary: Father Dumitru Stăniloae – Preacher of the Love of the Holy Trinity

The text focuses on the presentation of several homiletical themes that are representative for the preaching activity of the exceptional and deeply profound Romanian Orthodox theologian and professor, Father Dumitru Stăniloae (1903-1993). The method used is based on a selection of some of the most important themes that are to be read in the sermons published in different Romanian ecclesiastic periodicals, both in interwar and Communist contexts. Read more...

Pr. lect. dr. Dorin-Demostene IANCU – Grija Patriarhului Justinian pentru vârstnici: Contextul intern și extern al înființării Casei de Pensii a Bisericii Ortodoxe Române

Summary: The Care for Elders of Patriarch Justinian: The Internal and External Context for the Establishment of the Pension Fund of the Romanian Orthodox Church

In this study, the author presents some interesting information regarding the establishment of the Pension Fund of the Romanian Orthodox Church. This endea­vour was supported as part of the special pastoral activity of Patriarch Justinian Marina, who showed specific interest for the care and financial and medical safety of all priests and other employees of the Romanian Orthodox Church. The main idea of the study is that the Communist regime had almost the same position on pensions of the clerics and Church employees as in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Read more...

Conf. dr. Daniel LEMENI – „Îmi ajunge să te privesc”: Rolul și funcția bătrânului în spiritualitatea deșertului

Summary: “It Is Enough for Me to See You”: The Role and Function of Elder in Desert Spirituality

In this study, we point out the practice of spiritual guidance in desert monasticism. Our major premise has been the central figure of the spiritual guide in the Eastern spirituality, as it has been epitomized by the desert elders of the 4th-5th centuries. From this perspective, our investigation into the early ascetic literature (especially, Apophthegmata Patrum) has allowed us to remove certain prejudices concerning the role of a spiritual guide. By this we mean delimiting the spiritual father’s role from other roles that are related by not identical, such as those of teacher (διδάσκαλος), spiritual mentor or even confessor-priest. The peculiarity of an elder is that he does not convey a doctrine in an abstract manner, but rather he proposes to his disciple a living assimilation of a spiritual teaching. Read more...

Răzvan Mihai CLIPICI – Grija manifestată de Patriarhul Justinian Marina față de bătrânii sihaștri români din Sfântul Munte Athos – corespondență și însemnări inedite

Summary: Patriarch Justinian Marina’s Concern for the Old Romanian Hermits of Holy Mount Athos – Correspondence and Unpublished Notes

The study consists of a presentation based on documents from the archives of the Romanian monastic communities of Holy Mount Athos on the role that Patriarch Justinian Marina assumed regarding the repopulation with Romanian young monks of Romanian monastic communities in Holy Mount Athos during his patriarchate. There are presented several new documents regarding the way in which Patriarch Justinian constantly helped Romanian monks in Mount Athos, both materially and especially through the effort to send to Greece and Mount Athos old hagiorite monks who were stranded in Romania because of the outbreak of World War II, but also young Romanian monks who were sent to Athos in order to populate places that traditionally belonged to the Romanians. Read more...

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