NR. 3 – 2021

Rezumate Studii Teologice 2021.3

Pr. Prof. Dr. Cristinel IOJA – Note definitorii ale cosmologiei în dogmatica actuală

Summary: Defining Notes of Cosmology in Current Dogmatics

The study is divided into three parts. In the first part, I show the importance of theological renewal in terms of Orthodox Dogmatics, especially due the contribution of Father Dumitru Stăniloae. In the second part, I point out that cosmology is no longer seen today as an isolated chapter in Orthodox Dogmatics, but in interdependence and close relationship with the other chapters. In the third part, I emphasize the importance of the rediscovery in current Dogmatics of some cosmological concepts through which the Fathers of the Church transmitted and deepened the Christian coordinates of cosmology, based on the data of Revelation. Read more...

Pr. Prof. Dr. Vasile VLAD – Moralele confesionale. Importanța și semnificațiile moralei ortodoxe în context intercreștin

Summary: Confessional Ethics. The Importance and Significance of Orthodox Ethics in an Inter-Christian Context

Orthodox morality as Christian spiritual life is possible only by integrating and framing human life within the ecclesial coordinates through which the Resurrection of Christ is accessible to each of us. If we reduce the perspective of moral life to rationalism, casuism, or Catholic probabilism, or to the Protestant way of understanding the event of life, then there can be no transfiguration of the human mode of existence, in which wickedness is changed into un-wickedness and death into life and resurrection. Read more...

Pr. Conf. Dr. Caius-Claudius CUȚARU – Fenomenul neo-religios în viziunea părintelui prof. dr. Nicolae Achimescu

Summary: The Neo-religious Phenomenon in the View of Reverend Prof. Dr. Nicolae Achimescu

The scientific work of Reverend Professor Dr. Nicolae Achimescu in the field of history and philosophy of religions encompasses many aspects, the subject matter being a diverse one. In the present study, I have chosen to discuss several aspects on the new religious movements. It is our conviction that, in the coming period, the reception of the work of one of the greatest historians of religions, who was active in the Romanian theological education field, has to begin. Moreover, specialists must undertake this approach, especially by those who were his disciples and whom he tried to bring together into a true school focused on the history of religions. Read more...

Arhim. Lect. Dr. Casian RUȘEȚ – Disciplina eclezială în legislația canonică a Bisericii Ortodoxe Române, potrivit viziunii pr. prof. Liviu Stan

Summary: Ecclesiastical Discipline in the Canonical Legislation of the Romanian Orthodox Church, According to the Vision of Rev. Prof. Liviu Stan

Rev. Professor Liviu Stan’s concern for the canonical discipline of the Orthodox Church is an aspect that runs like a red thread throughout his entire work, being a topic explored in light of the canonical tradition resulting from the pastoral experience of the church community. In a very special way, he was concerned with the church legislation elaborated during the time of Patriarch Justinian Marina, in a particular socio-political and ecclesiastical context, which required an update of the “Statute for the Organization and Functioning of the Romanian Orthodox Church”, as well as of all derived regulations from this statue. Read more...

Pr. Lect. Dr. Filip George ALBU – Cateheza liturgică în Eparhia Aradului reflectată într-un manuscris din perioada comunistă

Summary: Liturgical Catechesis in the Diocese of Arad as Reflected in a Manuscript from the Communist Period

Some time ago, I identified in the archive of the library of the Faculty of Theology in Arad a manuscript, which spans over several volumes (notebooks). It contains a collection of catechesis delivered from the pulpit of the historic cathedral of Arad in the 1950s. The novelty of this work is given by the historical context that witnessed political opposition to the Church. Read more...

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