NR. 2 – 2021

Rezumate Studii Teologice 2021.2

Pr. Conf. Dr. Lucian FARCAȘIU – Praznicul Bunei Vestiri. Teologia imnografiei sărbătorii

Summary: The Feast of the Annunciation. The Theology of the Feast’s Hymnography

The Annunciation is celebrated every year on March 25. This feast is celebra­ted in relation to the Feast of the Nativity (December 25), so nine months after the Annunciation event. The Annunciation marks the celebration of the day when the Holy Archangel Gabriel brought to the Holy Virgin Mary the news that she would give birth to the Savior of the world (Lk 1: 26-38). On this day, the divine Child was conceived in the womb of the Virgin, by the power of the Holy Spirit. That is why, in the West, this celebration is also called the Feast of the Lord’s Incarnation. Read more...

Pr. Conf. Dr. Marian VILD – Unitatea Duhului – premisă a ajungerii la unitatea credinței, potrivit textului din Efeseni 4, 1-16

Summary: The Unity of the Spirit as a Premise for the Achievement of the Unity of Faith According to Ephesian 4: 1-16

The Pauline expression “the unity of the faith” (τὴν ἑνότητα τῆς πίστεως – Eph 4:13) is very important. It has been used from the fourth century until today in the liturgies of St. John Chrysostom and St. Basil the Great, which are celebrated in the Orthodox Church. It became the most known expression concerning the topic of ecclesial unity. Its translations into Romanian represent a challenge, because the most used Romanian translation, “unirea” (“unification”), can be understood as a simple union in faith with other Christian confessions in the detriment of the specificity of the orthodox doctrine. Read more...

Lect. Phd. Alexandru PRELIPCEAN – Christianity in Cyprus in the 4th Century: The Position of Saint Epiphanius of Salamis in the Iconographic Dispute. The Case of the Epistle of Epiphanius, Bishop of the Cypriots, to Emperor Theodosius

Summary: Creștinătatea în Cipru în secolul al IV-lea: poziția Sfântului Epifanie al Salaminei în disputa cu iconografia. Cazul epistolei lui Epifanie, episcopul Ciprioților, către împăratul Teodosie

În corpusul operelor Sf. Epifanie al Salaminei cu tentă iconofobă, cercetarea contemporană atribuie un număr de cinci lucrări ce acoperă perioada diacronică 393-403, și anume: un Post-scriptum la epistola lui Epifanie către episcopul Ierusalimului, Tratatul lui Epifanie împotriva celor care, urmând o practică idolatră, fac imagini cu intenția de a reproduce chipul lui Hristos, al Maicii Domnului, Îngerilor și Profeților, Epistola dogmatică, (pseudo-?)Epistola lui Epifanie, episcopul ciprioților, către împăratul Teodosie și Testamentul lui Epifanie adresat membrilor Bisericii sale. Desigur, realitatea acestui corpus de lucrări iconofobe și implicațiile sale teologice au fost exploatate diacronic în cadrul controverselor iconofile bizantine din perioada cuprinsă între 676-828 [anii de viețuire ai Sf. Ioan Damaschin (cca 676 – 4 decembrie 749) și ai patriarhului Nichifor al Constantinopolului (758 – 5 aprilie 828)]. Read more...

Protos. Dr. Iachint VARDIANU – Organizarea vieții monahale în statutele pentru organizarea și funcționarea Bisericii Ortodoxe Române

Summary: Organization of Monastic Life in the Statutes for the Organization and Fuctioning of the Romanian Orthodox Church

The Statutes for the organization and functioning of the Romanian Orthodox Church of 1925, 1949, 2008, 2011 and 2020 have offered, progressively, provisions and roles for a better organization of the monastic life, based on scriptural, patristic and canonical norms. In this context, it is worth noting the interest of the higher ecclesiastical authority, the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church, to specify, as precisely as possible, the framework for the organization and functioning of the monasteries of the Romanian Patriarchate. Read more...

Drd. Ioan-Daniel MANOLACHE – Întâlnirea din Antiohia dintre Sf. Ap. Petru și Pavel. Premisele unui conflict între apostoli și rezolvarea lui, pornind de la Galateni 2, 11-21

Summary: The Meeting in Antioch between St. Apostles Peter and Paul. The Premises of a Conflict between Apostles and Its Resolution Based on Galatians 2:11-21

The present study analyses the Incident at Antioch between St. Apostles Peter and Paul (Gal 2:11-21) to understand the reasons behind a momentary disagreement between the apostles, but especially to observe the mechanism through which the early Christian community reacted to this challenge and resolved it. Read more...

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