NR. 1 – 2021

Rezumate Studii Teologice 2021.1

Pr. Prof. Dr. Dănuț POPOVICI – Predica (khutba) în Islam

Summary: Preaching Activity (khutba) in Islam

The aim of the present study is to capture the most representative landmarks of how the preaching of the word (preaching activity) has been and is currently perceived in the religious tradition of Islam. In Islam, preaching (khutba) is considered an integral part of a space that encompasses the Arab spirit in its various aspects, which can hardly be restricted to a strictly religious doctrinal context. This can be deduced from the fact that Islam, understood as a religious doctrine, has permeated the life of Islamic society as a whole (political, economic, cultural and social life). This is also the reason why careful research is needed into how the khutba, as a shaping and transmitting instrument, has contributed and continues to contribute to the doctrinal consolidation of the Islamic flourishing and its spread. Read more...

Pr. Conf. Dr. Lucian FARCAȘIU – Praznicul Bunei Vestiri. Istoricul, evoluția și desfășurarea evenimentului, reflectate în imnografia sărbătorii

Summary: Feast of Annunciation. The History, Evolution and Development of the Event as Reflected in the Hymnography of the Feast

The present study addresses the issue of the history and evolution of the Feast of the Annunciation, and then refers to the unfolding of this event in the economy of the salvation of humanity, as reflected each year in the hymnography of the Annunciation on March 25. Annunciation represents the celebration of the day when the Holy Archangel Gabriel announced to the Holy Virgin that she would give birth to the Messiah (Luke 1:26-38), when the divine Child was conceived in the womb of the Holy Virgin, by the power of the Holy Spirit. That is why in the West this celebration was also called the Feast of the Lord’s Incarnation. Read more...

Arhid. Drd. Nicolae STANCIU – Impozitarea Bisericii din Principatele Române, potrivit Regulamentelor Organice

Summary: Taxation of the Church in the Romanian Principalities According to the Organic Regulations

The period of the “Organic Regulations” in the Romanian Principalities (1831-1858) marked the Church’s subordination to the State and the transformation of clergy into State officials. At the same time, it represents the period of establishment of the socio-political life in Wallachia and Moldova on the fundamentals of a legal system specific to the developed societies of the time. It is a period of reforms necessary to adapt the secular and Church administration to the requirements of a society that was departing from the feudal era. Read more...

Drd. Florin ȘTEFAN – „Gustați și vedeți că bun este Domnul”. Omul – ființa chemată să preguste veșnicia

Summary: “Taste and See that the Lord Is Good”. Man – A Being Called to Foretaste Eternity

God gave man all of Creation, to feed on the great diversity of its gifts, thus experiencing His great goodness and love. Man is not a perfect being, but, on the contrary, a dependent, incomplete, fragile being in a perpetual hunger for meaning. That is why man was defined as an existence that seeks a purpose in life. After the fall, this fundamental need of his being can be corrupted by his biological inclinations or material realities, turning into lust and sinful dispositions. Read more...

Pr. drd. Alexandru PALCĂU – Teologia euharistică a lui Karl Barth

Summary: Karl Barth’s Eucharistic Theology

Karl Barth was a Swiss Reformed theologian who lived between 1886 and 1968. He is considered by many to be one of the most important Christian theologians of the 20th century. Barth studied theology at the University of Bern and went on to study at the University of Berlin under Adolf von Harnack. While studying in Berlin, Barth began to question the liberal theology in which he had grown up and developed a theology that focused more on God’s revelation and less on human ideas. Read more...

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