NR. 2 – 2020

Rezumate Studii Teologice 2020.2

Pr. Lect. Dr. Roger CORESCIUC — Experiența – cale a cunoașterii. Scurte repere patristice

Summary: Experience – a path to knowledge. Elements of Patristic theology

Spiritual life is based on experience. The Fathers we discuss in this study show that there can be no real knowledge of God except through direct experience of the relationship with God. We talk much about catechesis, about knowledge, but we ignore the fact that the Fathers saw knowledge as the close relationship between man and the Subject of knowledge, that is God. Not even the Scripture, the written word, is the only way to configure and develop the process of knowledge. Read more...

Diac. Dr. Mihai-Iulian GROBNICU — Rugăciunea ca timp și loc al revelației dumnezeiești, în gândirea Sf. Simeon Noul Teolog

Summary: Prayer as time and place of divine revelation, according to Saint Symeon the New Theologian

The present study aims to raise awareness about the gnoseological dimension of praying, as illustrated by the writings of Saint Symeon the New Theologian (949-1022), one of the most significant mystical figures of the Eastern Christianity. The author beings by highlighting the experimental character of Saint Simeon’s theology. Summing up his thinking, the article emphasizes that for Saint Symeon the discourse on God must be preceded automatically by the awareness of God’s presence in one’s life, followed by the transformation produced by this conscious relationship with God. Read more...

Drd. Vlad-Alexandru IONAȘCU — Glorificarea întunericului prin celebrarea magică. Fenomenul Halloween

Summary: Glorification of darkness through magical celebration. The Halloween phenomenon

Although antiscientific, and opposing all rational dispositions, occult ideologies are becoming a constant of social and religious life. The manifestation of Halloween originates from the Celtic festival of Samhain, an old celebration of darkness and death, that often involved blood sacrifices, magic rituals and other deviant behavior. In the process of inculturation, Catholic missionaries exerted vigorous efforts to end the pagan superstitions, in an attempt to replace the ceremony of the dead with an event of memorialization for all the saints. This initiative failed, and many habits and practices were intertwined with local customs all over the world. Read more...

Drd. Dragoș ISBĂȘOIU — Priorități și exigențe catehetice actuale în gândirea părintelui Ilarion V. Felea

Summary: Contemporary catechetic priorities and necessities according to Fr. Ilarion V. Felea

The catechetic activity of Fr. Ilarion V. Felea was an outstanding one, remarkably expressed in his Orthodox teachings on the Church expounded in school, in various publications or in his own writings. The catechization of believers is not confined to conveying religious notions, but it also aims to eliminate disbelief or the pursuit of material welfare to the detriment of spirituality. The reverend professor worked relentlessly in order to bring Orthodox teachings to believers of all ages, dedicating himself to religious education in school, supporting young theologians to promote and confess different aspects of the Orthodox faith in the weekly publication „Biserica și Școala/ Church and School” and urging adults to be closer to God, the Church and to an authentic Christian life. Read more...

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