NR. 3 – 2019

Rezumate Studii Teologice 2019.3

Pr. Lect. Dr. Ion REȘCEANU — Receptarea canonului biblic vechitestamentar în traducerile românești ale Sfintei Scripturi din sec. XVII-XIX

Summary: The Reception of the Old Testament Canon in the 17th-19th century Romanian translations of the Holy Scripture

In the cultural-ecclesiastic milieus of the Romanian Principalities, Nicolae Milescu’s translation of the Septuagint raised a debate centered around the sources of the scriptural text and, indirectly, the Old Testament biblical canon – a debate reflecting the theological and cultural-scientific standards of the times. With regard to the canon, N. Milescu followed the Greek norms of his epoch. Manuscript 4389 in the collection of the Academy Library in Bucharest is very important in documenting the reception of the Old Testament biblical canon, as reflected in Romanian translations dating from the second half of the 17th century. Read more...

Pr. Lect. Dr. Roger CORESCIUC — Paternitate omiletică: interferențe de conținut în Omiliile la Schimbarea la Față ale Sfinților Ioan Damaschin și Grigorie Palama

Summary: Homiletic authorship: similarities in the contents of the Homilies to the Lord’s Transfiguration by Stants John Damascene and Gregory Palamas

The present study describes how St. Gregory Palamas referred to earlier patristic theology in his homilies dedicated to the Transfiguration of the Savior, namely to the theology of St. John Damascene. The argument underlying this study was the hypothesis that patristic theology cannot dispense with the relentless appeal to previous conceptual developments. Read more...

Pr. Asist. Dr. Valentin ILIE — Familia și credința religioasă astăzi

Summary: Family and religion, today

The two institutions of family and religious community have always been complementary and mutually supportive in cultivating the sacred dimension of human life. During the modern period, both were impacted by the changes affecting the mentality and ethics of society. Their role in shaping the human person and interrelationships, in conveying faith and providing spiritual guidance, was reassessed. More precisely, their social functions were pragmatically directed towards certain objectives, aiming to ensure social welfare. Read more...

Dr. Florin Ciprian PETRE — Une analyse de la notion spirituelle de la πρακτική chez Évagre le Pontique

Summary: O analiză a noțiunii spirituale de πρακτική la Evagrie Ponticul

Activitatea literară și spirituală a monahului Evagrie din Pont a atras, în ultimele decenii ale secolului trecut, precum și la începutul secolului al XXI-lea, atenția unor erudiți filologi, istorici și teologi care s-au ocupat cu studiul istoriei monahismului oriental din primele secole creștine. Am putea aminti aici, cel puțin pe cei care și-au dedicat o lungă perioadă a vieții lor academice și universitare descoperirilor, traducerilor și analizei unei importante părți din opera evagriană, marele istoric al creștinismului oriental vechi, Antoine Guillaumont, împreună cu soția sa, Claire, precum și pe renumitul teolog ortodox de origine germană, ieromonahul Gabriel Bunge. Read more...

Drd. Florin ȘTEFAN — Înnoirea omului – un fenomen psihofizic și spiritual real, ce depășește determinismul genetic

Summary: Man’s Renewal – An Actual Phsyco-Physical and Spiritual Phenomenon Transcending Genetic Determinism

This article presents an interdisciplinary analysis, which combines data and conclusions in the field of neuroscience and cognitive psychology, as well as patristic and philocal reflections on the possibilities of change, psycho-physical-spiritual renewal of man. The author’s attention is mainly focused on the analysis of two neural mechanisms, neuroplasticity and neurogenesis, which generate effects, both psychosomatic and spiritual, in human life. Read more...

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