NR. 2 – 2019

Rezumate Studii Teologice 2019.2

Pr. Prof. Dr. Ioan CHIRILĂ, Lect. Dr. Stelian PAȘCA-TUȘA, Dr. Ioan POPA-BOTA, Lect. Dr. Claudia-Cosmina TRIF — Teologia luminii primordiale și relevanța ei pentru iconografie

Summary: Theology of the primordial light and its relevance for iconography

The present research paper commences with a few terminological parentheses that are important for both discovering the meaning of the biblical words and understanding their historical evolution in the languages and cultures that generated them. The theological discourse concerning divine light and grace in the Holy Scriptures is preceded by this endeavor that aims to define and circumscribe these meanings and determine the occurrence of these terms that are essential for both the theology of icon and stained glass. Read more...

Pr. Conf. Dr. Vasile CREȚU — Catehisme ortodoxe și romano-catolice în România. O scurtă prezentare, selectivă și cronologică

Summary: Orthodox and Catholics catechisms in Romania. A short selective chronological presentation

This study aims to present the different catechisms which have been published in Romania in the last 100 years. The first catechism presented is “Norme nouă de catehizare”, published in Craiova in 1925. The most important ideas in this catechism rely on the moral education of the faithful of all ages. The paper emphasizes the way the catechists have to teach the Christian values, considering each person who listens to the preaching. In “Lecțiuni de catehizare normative asupra istoriei Vechiului Testament”, published in Bucharest in 1925, the author provides some models of catechesis, which can be used in teaching adults the Christian values, using in the Old Testament as a basis. Read more...

Pr. Lect. Dr. Zaharia MATEI — Ethosul muzical în cântarea liturgică bizantină

Summary: Aspects of musical ethos in the Byzantine liturgical chant

From a musical perspective, ἦθος reflects the general ability of music to influence the human spirit and to shape characters. This way, music plays a central role in shaping the affective and mental state of people. From a musical perspective, the term ἦθος or ἒθος, associated to musical modes, determines the character or expression of a mode. Each musical mode possesses a certain musical vibration, an individuality and consequently, the melodies composed in different musical modes confer multiple spiritual emotions to the listeners. Mode-system music has a deep impact on the human mind; especially clerical music, which is expressed in the 8 echoi, has contributed to the transformation and spiritual elevation of Christians in Church. Read more...

Diac. Lect. Dr. Florin Toader TOMOIOAGĂ — Despre iraționalitatea credinței la Gabriel Liiceanu: reeditarea polemicii dintre părintele Dumitru Stăniloae și filosoful Lucian Blaga

Summary: About the irrational character of the faith in Gabriel Liiceanu’s work: Revisiting the polemics between Fr. D. Stăniloae and the philosopher Lucian Blaga

The present study focuses on the assertions regarding faith made by the Romanian philosopher and writer Gabriel Liiceanu, in his book, Isus al meu (My own Jesus). While for Gabriel Liiceanu faith and belief are irrational in their character, for the Orthodox theology, they are based, at least partially, on reason, and the Orthodox Church does not neglect their rational character. For the Orthodox thinking and, generally for the majority of Christian theology, the dogmas, as intellectual projection of the content of the faith, maintain a subtle balance between reason and faith. Read more...

Pr. Dr. Mihai IORDACHE — Familia creștină în gândirea Sfântului Ioan Gură de Aur

Summary: Family in the view of St John Chrysostom

To Saint John Chrysostom, harmony between spouses is of paramount importance in family life, both for spouses’ consensus and for the children’s tranquility and education. Marital harmony is essential, as it creates order, peace and serenity regardless of the number or nature of the challenges and problems that may arise. Lack of mutual understanding is detrimental to the concerns and duties of married life, even if no exterior challenges appear. In such case, any disagreement or dissatisfaction in family life is gradually amplified and ultimately results in deep estrangement of the spouses. When harmony is present, all other elements in marital life find a balance and run their natural course. Bodily union of man and wife is based on their spiritual union, their agreement in thinking and feeling alike, their convergence in the mystery of mutual love. Read more...

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