NR. 1 – 2019

Rezumate Studii Teologice 2019.1

Pr. Prof. Dr. Sorin COSMA — Virtutea cumpătării (sophrosyne) și implicațiile ei în viața eclesială, culturală și socială a primelor secole creștine

Summary: The virtue of self-restraint-sophrosyne, and its implications on the ecclesial, cultural and social life of the early Christian centuries

Due to the increasingly aggressive secularism and to the increasingly acute desacralization, which in the postmodern context endorse the so-called «natural man», «without heaven or earth», authentic values are relativized and downplayed, while «virtue» is merely a dictionary entry and «duty» is regarded as an obsolete notion. Under these circumstances, pleading for virtue is tantamount to undertaking an effort of reinstating the values able to lend a positive meaning to the human condition now facing a moral, spiritual, cultural and social crisis. Read more...

Arhid. Prof. Dr. George GRIGORIȚĂ — Théologie canonique et droit ecclésiastique : une relation synergique et complémentaire

Rezumat: Teologia canonică și dreptul ecleziastic: o relație sinergică și complementară

În actualul limbaj ecleziastic, pentru a defini disciplina care studiază regulile pastorale fundamentale ale Bisericii și modul lor practic de aplicare, precum și ansamblul legilor Statelor dedicate libertății religioase, organizării și funcționării comunităților religioase, sunt folosite aleatoriu diferite expresii, dintre care cele mai uzitate sunt drept canonic, teologie canonică, drept ecleziastic sau drept bisericesc. Mai recent, unii autori folosesc, însă, și expresii mai originale ca tradiție canonică sau drept religios. Read more...

Pr. lect. dr. Mihai BURLACU — Maica Domnului în opera Sf. Grigorie Palama (I)

Summary: The Mother of God in the writings of St Gregory Palamas (I)

The first biographies of the Mother of God appeared with the Holy Apostles, especially St. Luke in his Gospel. The main element in this source is the extraordinary character of St. Mary. She is not simple girl or woman, but an ascetic and virtuous person since early childhood. This idea was analysed by St. Gregory Palamas, and he concludes that St. Mary excelled in her spiritual life. Her excellence was determined by the grace of God and her virtues. Read more...

Pr. Lect. Dr. Alin Cristian SCRIDON — Problema cultelor. Onisifor Ghibu – Un profesor uitat al istoriografiei ecleziale interbelice

Summary: The issue of religious denominations. Onisifor Ghibu – a forgotten teacher of interwar ecclesiastical historiography

Despite the modest progress made in church matters, one of the worst post-war Romanian political approaches was the case of the religious denominations. The issue of the unification of the Orthodox Church, the issue of the patrimony of the religious denominations, etc. – in brief, the rearrangement of the religious denominations in a new formula suitable to Bucharest. It was a sensitive case. This truth is also highlighted by the particularly late adoption – in our opinion – of the Law on religious denominations in 1928. Read more...

Drd. Andrei-Emanuel RADU — Reflecții pedagogice în opera sociologului Ernest Bernea

Summary: Pedagogical reflections in the writings of sociologist Ernest Bernea

The writings of sociologist Ernest Bernea present a broad and thoroughly elaborated perspective on the pedagogical process. The permanent reference to the values of the human being, implicitly Christian values, makes his vision into a landmark for the good development of the educational act. The present study aims to capitalize on the ideas and pedagogical principles on which the thinking of the philosopher is based, and, at the same time, to present the way in which the educational process can achieve its purpose. Read more...

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