NR. 4 – 2018

Rezumate Studii Teologice 2018.4

Arhim. Dr. Policarp CHIȚULESCU — Catalogul manuscriselor românești din Biblioteca Sfântului Sinod (III)

Summary: The Romanian Manuscript catalogue in the Holy Synod Library (III)

An investigation of the description of the Holy Synod Library manuscripts has brought to light new data, regarding the reading interests of monks and laypeople in our country, during past centuries.

This paper presents a few miscellanies created during the 17th and 18th century, containing lives of saints and some apocryphal texts. These volumes, calligraphically written, rather scarcely ornamented (which shows their destination as being strictly personal or communal, but not festive) come from the libraries of prominent cultivated Romanians, such as the academician and priest Niculae M. Popescu. Read more...

Pr. Prof. Dr. Nicolae DURA — Cuvântul Domnului și rostirea omului azi

Summary: The word of God and the human communication today

Speech as an act of the spirit which articulates, expresses and substantiates thoughts, enables communication among people and their moral improvement, which reveals the ethical dimension of it. The act of speaking is vibrant and spirited because it is carried out by a living person. Speech creates and maintains spiritual life, in time and space, which in turn upholds social life and sustains its dynamics, strengthens and improves social interactions. The ability to speak defines the human being a „homo loquens”, a speaking creature, a „spirit endowed with the power of the word”. Read more...

Pr. Lect. Dr. Lucian Vasile PETROAIA — Despre lăcașul de cult ortodox. De la simbolism, la mistagogie

Summary: About the Orthodox place of worship, from symbol to mystagogy

In order to build churches, from the beginning of Christianity, the optimal architectural forms were sought, necessary for worship and other aspects of church life. For this, through cooperation, theologians and builders aimed to achieve a harmonious whole, which would serve this sacred purpose. From the III-IV centuries, faced with various heresies of the time, Christians were forced to expound their Orthodox teaching, to state it as accurately and clearly as possible. The teachings of faith formulated in the Ecumenical Synods are found not only in high theology, but are perfectly reflected in the structure of the place of worship. Read more...

Dr. Alexandru MĂLUREANU — Capitalizing on the Premises of Orthodox Gnoseology in Todayʼs Context

Summary: Valorificarea premiselor gnoseologiei ortodoxe în contextul lumii de azi

În societatea secularizată de astăzi, omul este tot mai însetat de spiritualitate, dar este ispitit și de diferite forme de gnosticism modern, de orientări scientiste și sincretiste, care încearcă ,,să-l integreze în absolut”, printr-un progres spiritual individual și prin diverse tehnici de autocunoaștere și de autoperfecționare, toate inspirate din spiritualitățile orientale. Formele false de misticism (precum astrologia, vrăjitoria, spiritismul, yoga etc.) sunt însă incompatibile cu viața duhovnicească a creștinului. Read more...

Ierom. Drd. Hrisant (Alexandru) BACHE — Importanța temei rugăciunii în Luca 1-2

Summary: The importance of prayer in Luke 1-2

Prayer is one of the most visibly recurring themes in St. Luke’s writings, while his Gospel contains more such references than Luke’s and Mark’s. As we follow the narrative structure of Luke’s Gospel, his teachings about prayer appear intertwined with others major themes like the fulfillment of God’s promises to Israel or the blessing of the poor and the weary, yet prayer is still seen as a significant topic in the author’s writing plan. Read more...

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