NR. 3 – 2018

Rezumate Studii Teologice 2018.3

Arhim. prof. dr. Teofil TIA — Postmodernitatea occidentală: o realitate poliedrică. Discernământ pastoral pentru a lectura „semnele timpului”

Summary: Western postmodernity: a multifaceted reality. Pastoral discernment in deciphering the „signs of the times”

The study is an invitation to decipher ‘the signs of the times’, that is to identify some subtle challenges for the Christian faith coming from the western postmodernity; the mass culture and the impact of mass media on the mentalities must be constantly in the attention of pastoral approach; digitalism has generated an unexpected reaction in the ecclesial environment: the churches have started to feel threatened as far as their traditional educational style of the new generations is concerned. Read more...

Pr. lect. dr. Ion-Sorin BORA — Rostirea, interpretarea și redactarea Parabolei Semănătorului. Scurte considerații asupra textului redat de Evangheliile sinoptice

Summary: The Parable of the Sower – delivery, interpretation and recording. Brief considerations on the text in the Synoptic Gospels

The Parable of the Sower is found in the three synoptic Gospels, in a unitary structure and in relatively identical terms, effectively opening the largest collection of Kingdom parables in Matthew. The text is difficult to understand not only for the large crowd of listeners, strongly anchored in rabbinical education, but also for theologians of all times. Only direct disciples understood the meaning of this saying, precisely because they were able to receive explanations as gifts from God, not as merits of rationalizing the seemingly banal elements of daily life. Read more...

Diac. lect. dr. Mihai CIUREA — Corpusuri și genuri literare înainte de definitivarea canonului biblic noutestamentar. Cazul titulaturii evanghelice

Summary: Corpuses and Literary Genres before the Closing of the New Testamentary Canon. The Case of the Gospel’s Title

The Bible is a collection of writings that contains the basis of the Christian faith. This heterogeneous “library” implies an agreement on the compilation of the books that are assembled into one, but also on the exclusion of others. In turn, this agreement has produced what we call the “Bible canon” nowadays. In relation to holy writings, the term κανών accepts complementary related meanings, literary and figurative, the first one focusing on the second: the biblical canon is a group of inspired writings whose authority has become normative for Christians. Read more...

Pr. asist. dr. Alexandru Atanase BARNA — Euharistia în context patristic – o reevaluare teologică a surselor din secolul al V-lea

Summary: The Eucharist in a patristic context: a theological revisiting of the 5th-century sources

The study focuses on the main patristic sources from the 5th century debate between Saint Cyril of Alexandria (412-444) and Nestorius, patriarch of Constantinople (428-431), the main promoter of the dyoprosopist teachings which emerged powerfully in the life of the Church and preceded the 3rd Ecumenical Council of Ephesus (431), mainly on the nature of Eucharist, with deep connections to the main Christological themes, integrated with their philosophical and metaphysical correspondent backgrounds. Read more...

PhD Student Teodor-Emanuel BASICA — Pilgrimages before Time. Shamanic Journeys

Summary: Pelerinajele înainte de timp. Călătoriile șamanice

Motivând faptul că pelerinajul este un fenomen comun al majorității religiilor, autorul propune o scurtă prezentare a celor mai cunoscute forme de pelerinaj șamanic arhaic și contemporan, o practică deosebit de atractivă și populară în Occident, dar care începe să fie promovată și în România. Pentru a putea intra în contact cu lumea spirituală, șamanii și practicanții șamanici au apelat la patru tipuri de pelerinaje, respectiv: călătoriile la „locurile de putere”, „căutarea viziunii”, călătoria spirituală șamanică și, nu în ultimul rând, turismul șamanic contemporan. Read more...

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