NR. 4 – 2017

Rezumate Studii Teologice 2017.4

Pr. Constantin PREDA Sfântul Ioan Cassian și lectura duhovnicească a Scripturii (Lectio divina)

Summary: St John Cassian and the spiritual lecture of the Holy Bible (Lectio divina)

The spiritual lecture of the Holy Bible (lectio divina) assisted and enabled by the Holy Ghost, by askesis and prayer was first mentioned by Origen. Then, almost all the other Holy Fathers both of the Western and the Eastern Church practiced this method called lectio divina or θεῖα ἀνάγνωσις. Their practice has been the foundation of the subsequent commentaries on the Holy Scripture, commentaries that were structured as homilies or exhortations addressed to the faithful. Moreover, it was a means of maintaining a continuous relation with God through the Holy Scripture. In the Christian practice, spiritual meditation or contemplation commences by memorizing and repeating the biblical texts. In this particular way, biblical texts become nourishment of the soul, which fathers describe by the metaphor of „chewing”. Read more...

Pr. Ilie MELNICIUC-PUICĂ Textul biblic înscris în iconografia ortodoxă

Summary: The use of Biblical text in Orthodox iconography

The relationship between iconography and biblical inscription, insistently present in church paintings, implies knowledge of the quoted sources, a model of the saint represented by means of colours and symbols, as well as a „key” interpretation of these defining elements. The Holy Scripture uses verbal imagery and words that involve dynamism. Considered as revelatory unity, the Old and New Testament Scripture is the message of God, explained to the reader, through the moralizing catechesis and the anamnetic visual message. The reader is invited to develop and evaluate certain comparisons in the text-assembling process. Read more...

Pr. Cezar HÂRLĂOANU — Dinamica Scripturii în context liturgic. Facerea 2, 24

Summary: The dynamics of the Holy Scripture in a liturgical context. Genesis 2, 24

The discussions upon the relationship between the text of the Holy Scripture and the living liturgical practices of the Church have become increasingly intense in the recent times. One can state that the divine worship is contained in the biblical text and the text of the Holy Scripture is revealed in the liturgical space of the Church. The present text aims to address the relationship between the Scripture and the liturgical life of the Church from the first one of these perspectives. Read more...

Pr. Ion REȘCEANU — „Chipurile Vechiului și Noului Testament” – o evaluare din perspectiva contribuției aduse de Sf. Antim Ivireanul studiului biblic în epocă

Summary: „Images of the Old and New Testament” – an Evaluation from the Perspective of the Contribution of St Anthimos the Iberian to the Biblical Studies of His Time

The work of St Anthimos the Iberian has stirred along the years the interest of researchers, especially during the period when we celebrated 300 years from his martyrical death, in 2016. His writings were approached especially from the perspective of his historical, cultural, artistic, theological-homiletical, pastoral, doctrinal etc. contribution. From the perspective of the biblical studies, however, his works, both printings – Greek-Romanian Gospel (1693), Psalter (1694) and the New Testament (1703) – and manuscripts containing his own studies – the Didache or Images of the Old and New Testament – which offer various possibilities of scientific approach, have been unfortunately poorly explored. Read more...

Pr. Cosmin PRICOP Acta Johannis, untersucht aus der Perspektive des Wohnens Jesu

Rezumat: Acta Johannis, analizată din perspectiva „locuirii” lui Iisus

Studiul de față pornește de la constatarea, susținută de stadiul cercetărilor prologului ioaneic și în special ale textului de la v. 14, potrivit căreia menționarea locuirii Logosului nu reprezintă un element secundar față de afirmația cu privire la Întruparea Lui și posibilitatea vederii slavei Aceluiași, ci constituie o informație prețioasă cu privire la modalitatea prezenței Lui în lume și în oameni. Read more...

Diac. Olimpiu-Nicolae BENEA Perspective hermeneutice ortodoxe în interpretarea Epistolei către Coloseni

Summary: Orthodox Hermeneutical Perspectives in the Interpretation of the Epistle to the Colossians

The study starts from the premise that any interpretation of a sacred text must serve, firstly, to the spiritual edification of the Church, and secondly, it must be relevant in the context of the contemporary exegetical debates. The hermeneutical perspective in the interpretation of the Epistle to the Colossians must underscore both the historical status of the text of the Holy Scripture and the dynamic status. Read more...

Cristinel IATAN — Crearea lumii și a omului – Perspectiva biblică patristică și cea biblică modernă. Repere fundamentale

Summary: The Creation of the world and man – The patristic biblical perspective and the contemporary biblical approach. Some fundamental concepts

The present study aims to summarize the fundamental elements of the patristic teachings regarding the creation of the world and man, and comment on the modern approach in the contemporary biblical research. In order to understand the meaning of Gen 1, we must first answer to some major questions. Who do those writings address? The Israelites, i.e., those living in the times of the Old Testament? The Christians living in the first centuries? Or the Christians of today, who hold another vision of the created universe based on the new discoveries of science? Obviously, the answer is a nuanced one. Read more...

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