NR. 3 – 2017

Rezumate Studii Teologice 2017.3

Pr. Constantin COMAN — Experiența niptică – reper ermineutic

Summary: The neptic experience as a hermeneutical landmark

The premise of this paper is the difference between the Eastern Orthodox and the Western way of perceiving the experience of God. This spiritual starting point has a strong connection with the Orthodox biblical hermeneutics, which, according to Father C. Coman, allows the Orthodox theologian to have a direct experience and relation with God. The peak of experiencing God is the neptic experience, as Father C. Coman posits, following the Fathers of the Church: „the neptic experience of God is the highest level in the sensible experience of the divine by man, as the Church Fathers unanimously confess”. Read more...

Pr. Ioan CHIRILĂ Ermeneutica biblică din perspectivă răsăritean-ortodoxă

Summary: Biblical hermeneutics from the Eastern-Orthodox perspective

The hermeneutical issue has been intensively exploited and explored, both in the Western and in the Orthodox theology especially during the 20th century when clergy and theologians stated and established the principles and rules for biblical interpretation. Thus, several works and books have been written concerning the principles of biblical hermeneutics: the official documents of the Roman-Catholic Church and the works of authors such as P. Ricoeur and H.G. Gadamer. Read more...

Pr. Constantin JINGA — Ieșirea 12-15 în creația lirică occidentală

Summary: Exodus 12-15 in the Western lyrical creation

The biblical scenes have inspired numerous generations of artists who strived to illustrate them through different means: painting, sculpture, music, poetry or literature. These forms of artistic expression are also ways of expressing faith. The Holy Bible is a genuine source for the European culture. There is a deep connection between the Holy Bible and culture, for in the first centuries art served as an instrument which helped everyone, irrespective of their social standing, understand the contents of faith. Read more...

Pr. Viorel-Cristian POPA Considerații exegetice contextuale la 3 Regi 16, 34

Summary: Exegetical contextual considerations on 3 Kings 16, 34

In the third Book of Kings there is continuity in the narration up to chapter 16, verse 34 where, there is a verse that apparently does not fit the context of the chapter: verse 34. This verse does not fit the precedent context, or the next one. Firstly, the hagiographer presents the story of King Ahab and the personality of the prophet Elijah from Tesbe in vv. 29-33. Afterwards, there is an insertion about a certain man called Hiel of Bethel and about the building that he is constructing in Jericho, more precisely the reconstruction of the city of Jericho, the oldest city historically attested. Read more...

Pr. Adrian MURG Evanghelia în capitala culturii păgâne. Sfântul Apostol Pavel şi Atenagora Atenianul

Summary: The Gospel in the Capital of Pagan Culture. The Holy Apostle Paul and Athenagoras of Athens

The discourse of the Areopagus (Acts 17, 15-34) illustrates the main elements of the apologetic strategy used by the Holy Apostle Paul. Firstly, the apostle adjusted to the atmosphere of Athens, observing the religious beliefs and acts of his audience. Secondly, he looked for as many common points as he could find. That is why he does not use arguments from the Old Testament, irrelevant for a pagan audience, but he uses ideas taken from the Greek philosophers and poets. Thirdly, starting from the ideas and notions that were familiar to those who listened to him, Saint Paul moved on to present the Christian teaching and the call for repentance. Read more...

Pr. Doru FER — Dreptatea lui Dumnezeu oglindită în Comentariul Sf. Ioan Gură de Aur la Epistola către Romani

Summary: The righteousness of God reflected in St John Chrysostom’s Commentary on the Epistle to Romans

Saint Paul’s epistles represent a precious auxiliary of this unprecedented masterpiece in the history of Christianity. These epistles constitute a genuine example for the ecclesiastic life in the first centuries. They were written under certain historical and socio-political circumstances, at times under the pressure of certain situations or events that requested an immediate response and solution. Thus, these epistles were meant to be a practical guide for the converted Christians, considering the experience and authority Saint Paul had among most Christian communities. Read more...

Pr. Marian VILD Dumnezeieştile Scripturi – reper permanent al vieții duhovniceşti în literatura ascetică răsăriteană

Summary: The Divine Scriptures – A Constant Guide for Spiritual Life in the Eastern Ascetical Literature

The patristic tradition about biblical interpretation is unanimous that the exegesis of the Scripture in a deep, authentic sense is impossible outside the experience of God, without the Holy Spirit who inspired the biblical authors. In this sense the person of the exegete must be a charismatic one. The contemporary biblical studies, especially on the Eastern Orthodox side, have been emphasizing this aspect as part of a larger attempt to recover the patristic exegesis. Read more...

Pr. Alexandru Atanase BARNA — Considerații cu privire la caracterul profetic al literaturii patristice, martor al raportului unitar al literaturii biblice cu cea patristică

Summary: Considerations regarding the Prophetic Character of the Patristic Literature, Witness of the Unitary Relationship between the Biblical and Patristic Literature

The author achieves within this study a review of several patristic texts, which he presents from the perspective of the relationship between the Holy Scripture and the patristic literature. The purpose of the endeavour consists in observing to what extent certain ideas proposed to the Romanian theological environment, especially those by Fr. I. Romanidis, referring to the unity between Prophets, Apostles and Holy Fathers, can be confirmed from the point of view of the patristic testimonies regarding the theme of the relationship between the Holy Scripture and the Holy Tradition of the Church. Read more...

Pr. Alexandru MOLDOVAN — Scripturile Vechiului Testament – dificultăți și contradicții

Summary: The Old Testament Scriptures – issues and controversies

The books of the Old Testament present various situations that are troubling for both scholars and the general readership. These situations refer to the morality of important biblical characters, God’s commandment that Israel should massacre entire citadels or life after death. Hagiographers create a genuine image of certain events or biblical personages, regardless of their moral and ethical flaws. Certainly, some of these can scandalize and confuse readers. However, the author does not seem to be concerned with the impact of the text among readers. Read more...

Pr. Ion Sorin BORA Ce spun Sfinții Părinți despre «frații» și «surorile» Domnului (cf. Mt 13, 55)?

Summary: What do the Fathers of Church say about «the brothers and the sisters» of the Lord (Mat 13, 55)?

This paper focuses on the issue of the brothers of Jesus in the synoptic gospels who, according to the author, stand apart from Jesus’ audience and even outside the place where Jesus was preaching. These „brothers” seek to talk with Jesus and even send someone to call for Him. Moreover, there is no evidence of any words these brothers spoke outside the synoptic gospels’ information that they got closer to the place where Jesus spoke. Also the synoptic gospels note Jesus’ intransigent answer by which we learn that fulfilling the will of God makes one spiritually related to Jesus. Read more...

Diac. Alexandru MIHĂILĂ Lecțiuni biblice la sărbătorile Sfinților în Paremiar

Summary: Biblical Readings on the Feasts of the Saints in the Prophetologion

Biblical scholars of the Romanian Orthodox Church acknowledge the need for new hermeneutics, which would exceed the patterns taken over from the West, as becoming more and more acute. That is why a research field in its own right should be centered on of the explicit quotations of the biblical text in the Orthodox liturgical services. For this purpose, the so-called lectionaries, the Apostle or Praxapostolos, the Evangeliary, and a less-known book, the Prophetologion (or the Prophetologium) can be of great help. Read more...

Sabin PREDA Cântarea Cântărilor în receptarea liturgică sau interpretarea ca proclamare în al doilea Canon Paraclis al Cuviosului Nicodim Aghioritul la icoana Maicii Domnului „Grabnic-Ascultătoarea”

Summary: Song of Songs in the liturgical hymnography or interpretation as proclamation in Saint Nicodemus the Hagiorite’s Second Paraklesis Kanon at Panagia Gorgoepikoos (She who is quick to listen) icon

Around 1790, St Nicodemus the Athonite was summoned by the community of Monastery Dochiariou who asked him to compose a prayer canon, a Paraklesis, dedicated to Theotokos Gorgoepikoos icon (She who is quick to listen). This icon received its name from Virgin Mary herself in 1646 during the miraculous cure of a monk named Nilus, who was punished with blindness because of his ignorance towards this beautiful icon and because he did not obey the commandment Theotokos gave. Read more...

Stelian PAȘCA-TUȘA Erminia Întrupării Cuvântului scripturistic în Canonul Sfântului Andrei Cretanul

Summary: The hermeneia of embodying the Holy Scriptures’ words in St Andrew of Crete’s Great Canon

By definition, the word of God is meant to be heard, received in one’s heart, kept and embodied. God plants His word in men’s hearts and waits patiently for them to assume it (as it would be their own) and then bear the fruits of faith. It’s not difficult to understand that only those who hear and keep the word in their cleansed and pure heart can bear rich fruit (Lk 8, 15). Those who hear the word but neglect its value (Lk 8, 12), as well as those who receive it with joy but do not settle a good soil for it to grow (Lk 8, 13-14), deny the call of their Creator and depart from the source of life. Read more...

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