NR. 4 – 2016

Rezumate Studii Teologice 2016.4

Pr. Prof. Dr. Mihai HIMCINSCHI Odihnirea Preasfântului Duh în Preacurata Fecioară Maria. Implicațiile doctrinare și spirituale ale acesteia

Summary: The Holy Spirit dwelling within Virgin Mary. Doctrinal and Spiritual Implications

Speaking about the resting of the Holy Spirit upon the righteous of the Old Testament, as a Trinitarian initiative, we cannot overlook the resting (i.e, dwelling) of the Holy Spirit not “upon” but “within” the Mother of the Lord. Alongside the Holy Prophet John the Baptist, and maybe even to a greater degree than him, she can be considered the link between the Old Testament and the New Testament. Likewise, in the case of the Holy Apostles of the New Testament, we can see that the Holy Spirit rested upon them, but not within them, whilst in case of Virgin Mary, the Holy Spirit dwells within Her. The Holy Fathers of the Church who addressed the issue of the resting of the Holy Spirit upon the personalities of the Old Testament and the New Testament, pointed out that the latter were not circumscribed by a certain social or spiritual condition. Read more...

Pr. Prof. Dr. Constantin PREDA Opera Sfântului Luca (Evanghelia a treia și Faptele Apostolilor) – partea a doua – structura și caracterul literar al operei lucane

Summary: The work of St. Luke (the third Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles): – the second part – The structure and literary character of the Lucanian work

Recent exegeses have shown that Evangelist Luke’s works were based by the author on a unitary plan: the writer did not first draft the Gospel, then the Acts, or the other way round, but both of them together. Scholars have also pointed out that the entire corpus of Luke’s works is structured around the geographic and theological motif of a twofold journey: on the one hand, the Saviour’s journey from Galilee to Jerusalem, where he was crucified and resurrected; the path travelled by the Gospel is one of the „growing Word” expanding from Jerusalem to Rome and the ends of the earth (Lk 9, 51 and the following); on the other hand, the journey of St Paul to Jerusalem, where he confesses Jesus as the Christ before the Jews: he faces imprisonment and risks death, but is not killed because he is to travel and preach the Gospel of Christ not only before the Jews of Jerusalem and Rome, but also before the gentiles in the world’s capital city at the time (Acts 19, 21 and the following). Read more...

Rev. Assoc. Prof. Dr. David PESTROIU Idolizing work? Towards a missiology of work within the Romanian postmodern society

Rezumat: Idolatrizarea muncii? Către o misiologie a muncii în cadrul societății postmoderne din România

Munca este un atribut dumnezeiesc. Dumnezeu Cel în Treime, ducând la îndeplinire planul divin al creației, acționează în mod direct, efectuând atât o lucrare intelectuală (prin Cuvânt – Logos), cât și una fizică, materială, în cazul aducerii întru ființă a omului. După așezarea sa în Raiul cel din Eden, omul începe existența sa tot cu o lucrare intelectuală, exersându-și funcția cognitivă, prin perfecționarea continuă spre țelul final al creației sale, îndumnezeirea prin har. Acest parcurs spre veșnicie se desfășoară în contextul dificil al vieții umane în trup, care-l supune pe om unor continue provocări și suferințe, culminând cu moartea, ca pedeapsă pentru păcatul originar, transmisă tuturor oamenilor. Read more...

Pr. Conf. Dr. Adrian IVAN Descoperirea sensului anagogic al Sfintei Scripturi în predică

Summary: Discovering the Anagogical Meaning of the Holy Scriptures in the Sermon

The present study addresses the fundamental role of Christian preaching in conveying the teachings of the Church, as revealed by Lord Jesus Christ and reflec­ted into the biblical text inspired by the Holy Spirit. Christian preaching expresses cognizance of the word of God, acknowledges the fulfilment of Old Testament prophecies, and proclaims the Gospel of Christ. Consequently, preaching is the way chosen by God to make His Son’s Gospel known to the world, to pass down the teachings of the Church, and to reveal the mystery of «the Kingdom of the Son He loves» (Col 1, 13). Read more...

Dr. Răzvan BRUDIU Între cer și pământ: Fiat! – Verbul divin în rostirea umană. Fecioara Maria – Născătoare și cuvântătoare de Dumnezeu

Sumary: Fiat – the divine verbum in human utterance. The most blessed virgin mary – Theotokos and Theologos

The exceptional veneration we offer to the Mother of God, officially dogmatized by the Third Ecumenical Council of Ephesus, in 431 A.D., dates from long before this crucial event in the history of Christendom. From a liturgical perspective, it is interesting that, except for the feast of the Annunciation, the roots of the other feasts dedicated to the Theotokos: the Nativity, the Entry into the Temple, the Dormition, lay in the apocrypha sources, as The Protoevangelium of James as in the Tradition of the Church. Of course, we must not forget about the Gospel passages where the Virgin Mary is mentioned, or those from the Epistles where she is mentioned indirectly, Galatians 4, 4 or Romans 1, 3. After the Third Ecumenical Council, the cult of the Theotokos knew an ever increasing development, especially in the Byzantine Empire. Read more...

Pr. Asist. Dr. Georgian PĂUNOIU Originile și dezvoltarea monahismului siriac până în secolul al VII-lea

Summary: The Origins and Development of Syriac Monasticism until the VIIth Century

Syro-Eastern Spirituality remains a fundamental landmark in the Christian tradition of the East. Christianity of the first millennium is not confined within the borders of the Byzantine Empire, but also includes the eastern space. It is not just a wider geographical area, but the recognition of a unique Spirituality, such as the Syriac language. In a large area, which today includes the northeast coast of the Arabian Peninsula, Iraq, southern Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and part of Turkistan, the Syro-Mesopotamian Church has survived under utterly hostile circumstances, leaving an impressive theological legacy that is waiting to be discovered, known and evaluated. The Christian mission of this Church reached, especially through the Syrian monks, regions as far as Tibet, China and southern India. Read more...

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