NR. 3 – 2016

Rezumate Studii Teologice 2016.3

Prof. Conf. Dr. Radu Petre MUREȘAN Misiunea creștină în România nouă. Omagiu profesorului Vasile Ispir (1886-1947)

Summary: Christian mission in the new Romania. Tribute to Professor Vasile Ispir (1886-1947)

In a conference delivered in 1933, Professor Vasile Ispir put forth a diagnosis of the missionary situation of the country in the aftermath of the Great Union, pointing out that the great event of the national reunification had resulted in „a new shaping of the Romanian soul”; therefore the greatest challenge faced by the New Romania resided in achieving the „spiritual unity of the Romanian people”. Read more...

Drd. Marius PORTARU Θεος ενσαρκος ο Χριστος: Apolinarie de Laodiceea și Întruparea Logosului

Summary: Θεὸς ἔνσαρκος ὁ Χριστός: Apolinaris of Laodicea and the Incarnation of the Logos

In the present study we analyse the view of the Nicene Bishop Apollinaris of Laodicea in Syria (ca. 315-392) on the Incarnation of the Logos, through a detailed reading of the extant fragments of his writings. We aim at grasping the theological and historical context in which his bold expressions were formulated, some of which later became technical terms, in order to avoid the distorted or partial understanding of some of them. Read more...

Drd. Ciprian Costin APINTILIESEI Personne et communion: de Berdiaev à Mounier

Rezumat: Persoană și comuniune. De la Berdiaev la Mounier

Cunoscut ca reprezentant al personalismului comunitar din anii 1930, Mounier este unul dintre gânditorii francezi profund implicați în identificarea unei soluții în fața ideologiilor individualiste și colectiviste: primelor le opune valoarea incomensurabilă a persoanei, iar celor din urmă, exigența unei comuniuni autentice. În perspectiva sa, doar un regim care articulează persoana și comuniunea ar putea constitui o soluție fezabilă pentru societatea viitorului. Read more...

Pr. Lect. Dr. Zaharia MATEI Principii estetice și prozodice în creația muzicală a lui Anton Pann

Summary: Aesthetic and prosodic principles underlying the works of Anton Pann

At the beginning of the 19th Century, the Romanian Principalities were marked by a desire of emancipation from the Phanariot domination and a move towards a Romanian national affirmation in all realms: political, social, cultural and clerical. During that time, Greek was used in churches because of the teachers brought in by Phanariot rulers. Consequently, the Romanian language spoken by the people was marginalized and despised by the Greeks. Read more...

Pr. Dr. Cristian ANTONESCU Isihia ortopraxiei și ortodoxia isihiei. Actualitatea și autoritatea învățăturilor filocalice isihaste

Summary: Hesychia of orthopraxy and the orthodoxy of hesychia. The topicality and authority of philokalic hesychastic teachings

The Holy Scripture shows that God created man in order to allow him to enjoy communion with divinity, to grow and advance in this communion: «and the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden, to dress it and to keep it». Why and how had man to tend to the garden of Eden and to keep it, since there was no evil on the earth yet, but everything was «very good» (Gen 1:31)? Man had to guard himself from negative influences and keep the peace that invites the grace of God. Read more...

Drd. Andrei-Emanuel RADU Teme definitorii în pastoralele episcopului Iosif Gafton

Summary: Major themes in the pastoral letters of Bishop Iosif Gafton

Bishop Iosif Gafton is one of the hierarchs who served the Romanian Orthodox Church during the communist regime, whose atheist-materialistic doctrine aimed to eliminate any religious feeling in society. Since his primary school years, the young Ioan Gafton, born in 1896, showed keen interest in the Church of Christ the Savior, which prompted him to attend the courses of the Seminary, then the Faculty of Orthodox Theology in Bucharest. Read more...

Alin-Vasile POHRIB Adepți ai doctrinei hipnopsihiei și răspunsul ortodox al preotului Eustratie din Constantinopol

Summary: Followers of the doctrine of hypnopsychism and the Orthodox response of the priest Eustratius of Constantinople

The crisis produced by the Byzantine iconoclasm was preceded – a fact less known – by the crisis related to the cult of saints and, in general, by the hagiographic literature. Testimony to the latter is given by the doubt and the unbelief manifested in connection with the legitimacy of the hagiographic texts, by the skepticism regarding the authenticity of certain miracles or relics of the saints, as well as by the theological disputes that were developed around the theory of the activity or, in contrast, of the lethargy of the human souls after their separation, through death, of bodies. Read more...

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