NR. 4 – 2014

Rezumate Studii Teologice 2014.4

† Laurențiu STREZA Semnificația pomenirilor și a rugăciunilor de mijlocire din cadrul Sfintei Liturghii

Summary: The significance of remembrance and intercession prayers during the Holy Liturgy

The Holy Liturgy is the mystery of God’s presence among people, it is the sole and full Theophany, heaven on earth, the jubilation of creatures due to their Creator, the transfiguration of the entire cosmos through man, the foretaste of the afterlife and the icon of the Kingdom of Heaven. Every moment of the Holy Liturgy, this Mystery of God’s dwelling within and among people, is accessible to humanity through this material world, through acts, gestures, words that gradually reveal to those attending the Liturgy, the presence of Christ among his new chosen people. Read more...

Pfr. Georgios DIAMANTOPOULOS  Das Gebet in den Werken des Niketas Stethatos unter Berücksichtigung der Geschichte und der Züge des studitischen Mönchtums

Rezumat: Rugăciunea în opera lui Nichita Stethathos, în cadrul istoriei și tradiției monahale studite

În textul de față este tratată în mod sistemtatic problema rugăciunii la Stethatos, prilej cu care sunt prezentate principalele caracteristici ale istoriei monahismului studit, cu o privire specială asupra reformei Sf. Teodor Studitul, care reprezintă fundalul spiritual al gândirii teologice a lui Stethatos, care va fi și el monah și apoi stareț al Mânăstirii Studion. Read more...

Pr. Constantin OANCEA Motivul „Chaoskampf”-ului în trimiterile vechitestamentare din ritualul Sfântului Botez

Summary: The “Chaoskampf” Motif in Old Testament References Included in Baptismal Ritual

In some of the baptismal statements, water is associated with harmful forces, which nevertheless are subject to God’s will. The motif of water obeying Creator’s will originates in the Old Testament. Some texts allude to a fight of the Creator against sea or other life-threatening elements. Biblical theology terms this motif “Chaoskampf” – fight against chaos. Read more...

Ciprian STREZA Sfânta Euharistie – Cina de Taină a Împărăției cerurilor și Hrana vieții veșnice

Summary: The Holy Eucharist – the Mystical Supper of the Kingdom of Heaven and Food for eternal Life

After Christ’s Resurrection and Ascension, He can no longer be seen in the body, as His contemporaries beheld Him, but He is encountered in a wholly new manner in Church worship, through the visible matter. This encounter between man and God, within the Church, culminates in the Mystery of the Holy Eucharist. Christ thus carries out the economy of salvation, and dwells into those who believe in Him, as the only efficient means to impart His entire life and its gifts to all people, thus lending to worshippers’ bodies and souls His pure senses and the dynamism of His sacrificial state. Read more...

Octavian FLORESCU Despre numirea «numelui mai presus de orice nume» (Flp 2, 9-11)

Summary: On the title “the name above every name” (Phil 2, 9-11)

This article concerns an exegetical issue regarding the real „name above every name” in the Christological hymn of St. Paul’s Epistle to the Philippians (2, 5-11). The passage has probably prompted more commentaries than any other passage in the New Testament. From the ethical to the soteriological interpretation, from the polemics on its Gattung to the intense debates over its authorship, this hymn remains a cornerstone for the believers’ faith and a continuous challenge for biblical scholarship. One main reason for such great attention could be the fact that these verses represent in nuce the first creed of the Early Christian Church. It is a confession of faith that culminates in the proclamation of the universal truth: Jesus Christ is Lord (Phil 2, 11). Read more...

Cristian ANTONESCU Funcționalitate filocalică și liturghie practică la Sfântul Ioan Cassian

Summary: Philocalic functionality and practical liturgy according to St John Cassian

St John Cassian’s theology is an edifying source, revealing how spiritual life was lived during the early Christian centuries. Even though he is not frequently quoted by later patristic writers – although his works, written in Latin, were translated into Greek, a rare ocurrence in the Christian Antiquity –, his influence can be easily traced in the writings of neptic authors of the subsequent centuries. His theological inquiry is centered on an in-depth examination of human soul, the trials it faces and the ways in which it can overcome the temptations through which the enemy of salvation struggles to distract man from his ultimate goal – deification. Read more...

Andreea-Monica CHELU-POGOR Les rapports entre le Christ et l’Église selon Éph 5,21-33, prototype du projet de vie commune et du salut des époux

Rezumat: Legătura lui Hristos cu Biserica potrivit textului din Ef 5, 21-33, prototip al proiectului de viață comună și de mântuire a soților

Studiul de față are în vedere citirea atentă și actualizarea uneia dintre cele mai cunoscute pericope biblice. Dacă popularitatea versetelor 21-33 din Epistola către Efeseni se datorează faptului că acestea sunt lecturate în cadrul Sfintei Taine a Căsătoriei, înțelegerea lor oscilează între propuneri ermeneutice mai mult sau mai puțin fericite. Înțelegerea tainei unirii dintre soți suferă influențe, uneori covârșitoare, în urma transformărilor sociale, politice, etice și economice specifice epocii moderne. Astfel, sub presiunea logicii umane și a ateismului ambiant relațiile conjugale din zilele noastre devin din ce în ce mai complexe (feminismul, sterilitatea, violența conjugală, pornografia, mijloacele contraceptive, fecundarea in vitro etc.). Read more...

Marian-Florin BĂBUȘ Importanța Sfintei Cruci pentru cultul Bisericii

Summary: The Importance of the Holy Cross in Divine Worship

The Cross and Resurrection are central to the Orthodox faith and worship, to the new life in Christ. They are landmarks in the earthly life and activity of the incarnate Son of God, because through the death and resurrection of the Saviour the dominion of death and darkness were abolished and the world was given life. The Cross sums up the entire Church doctrine, it is its very essence. Read more...

François BŒSPFLUG La Trinité entre deux mondes. Dieu un et trine dans l’art, en Hongrie et Roumanie

Rezumat: Sfânta Treime între două lumi. Dumnezeu-Unul și Treimic în artă, în Ungaria și România

Sfânta Treime a fost reprezentată în mod diferit în arta bisericească apuseană față de cea răsăriteană. Acești doi centri originari ai creștinismului reprezintă de facto nu numai două teologii trinitare, ci, în plus, două percepții ale aceleiași Taine, care sunt exprimate prin două reflectări ale imaginilor. Acest articolul încearcă să demonstreze cum s-au departajat, dar și cum s-au influențat reciproc cele două tipologii iconografice ale Sfintei Treimi, în Europa Centrală și de Est, în special în zona Ungariei, Transilvaniei și României, în perioada Evului Mediu târziu. Read more...

Pr. Mircea BASARAB Taina Sfintei Spovedanii și a Sfintei Euharistii, între tradiție și abatere

Summary: The Mystery of the Holy Confession and Holy Eucharist: Tradition Observed or Infringed

The importance and beauty of local traditions, in all their diversity, require correct assessment from our part. Originally, bread breaking took place on Sundays; later – starting from the 3rd century – the Liturgy was celebrated on other days of the week also, according to local customs. Saints John Chrysostom and Ambrosius of Milan reproached their faithful the fact that they received the Eucharist only on great feast days. These mentions, both in the East and in the West, show the realities of the time, namely the fact that the practice of frequent communion (or during every Liturgy) was less and less observed, and by the 4th century it had become an act of personal devotion. Read more...

Adrian MARINESCU Neo-Ortodoxie, neo-teologie, post-creștinism. Idiosincrazii ale mișcării „ortodoxe” de înnoire liturgică în modernism – Studiu de caz: Γεώργιος Ν. Φιλίας, Παράδοση καὶ ἐξέλιξη στὴ Λατρεία τῆς Ἐκκλησίας (Tradiție și evoluție în cultul Bisericii), Ἐκδόσεις Γρηγόρη, Ἀθήνα, 2006, 419pp. –

Summary: Neo-Orthodoxy, neo-theology, postchristianity. Idiosyncrasies of the „Orthodox” movement for liturgical renewal in modernity

While peer-reviewing a text recently sent to an Orthodox review of international visibility, the author of the present paper first came across the notion of „postchristianity”. This is a perfect match to terms such as „post-patristic”, „neo-patristic”, and „neo-Orthodoxy”, already known to him and tackled by the vast and complex theological literature, that aims to counter the arguments put forward by their proponents, as they depart from the ecclesial line of thought. Read more...

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