NR. 4 – 2013

Rezumate Studii Teologice 2013.4

Vasile Adrian CARABĂ Se poate vorbi astăzi despre o filosofie bizantină? Interpretări noi la o temă veche

Summary: Can We Speak Today about a Byzantine Philosophy? New Interpretations to an Old Topic

Many are now taken aback by the notion of „Byzantine philosophy”, because histories of philosophy seldom consecrate a chapter to Byzantine philosophical thought. It was only in 1949 that Basile Tatakis’ Byzantine Philosophy, a supplement to the History of Philosophy issued by Émile Bréhier, put forth the first such tenet, an extraordinary enterprise since the times’ scholarly circles, especially the French ones, would not deem justified the collocation „Christian philosophy”. This denial obviously included Byzantium. We may wonder why this phrase could be perceived as self-contradictory and who might be entitled to produce a definitive definition of philosophy, since according to Günther Patzig, „philosophy changes its substance” in time, by „circulating” the various trends and sub-trends of philosophy? Read more...

George ENACHE The Monastic Issue in Modern Romania between the Liberal Indifferentism and the Communist Denial

Rezumat: Problema monahală în România modernă. Între indiferentismul liberal și contestarea comunistă

Istoriografia română a interpretat multă vreme Legea secularizării averilor mănăstirești (1863), dată de domnitorul Alexandru Ioan Cuza, mai mult din perspectiva intereselor economice și naționale ale statului român la acel moment. S-a analizat mai puțin adoptarea acestei legi din perspectiva fenomenului general al laicizării societății românești în perioada modernă și a diverselor curente intelectuale care au influențat atitudinile elitelor românești. Read more...

Ciprian STREZA Sfânta Liturghie – Cina la masa Împărăției și complementaritatea modurilor de împărtășire de Hristos

Summary: The Holy Liturgy – The Royal Banquet in God’s Kingdom, and the Complementarity of the Ways to Achieve Communion with Christ

The Orthodox Church is first and foremost a liturgical Church. The Eucharistic Liturgy sits at the centre of the Church life, as all the endeavors of the ecclesiastical pleroma stem from the Eucharistic celebration. The Eucharistic Synaxis radiates the power and the energy that moves the Church towards Her purpose. The Holy Liturgy, the heartbeat of the Orthodox Christian spirituality, dynamises the Church within Her inner and outer purpose. Each celebration of the Holy Liturgy is an opportunity and a means to advance towards the Kingdom of the Holy Trinity, as well as a time when the faithful are prepared and sent on to fulfill Christ’s mission. Read more...

Ovidiu SFERLEA Emilia sau Emmelia, cum o chema de fapt pe mama Sfântului Vasile cel Mare?

Summary: Emilia or Emmelia, What Was in Fact the Name of St Basil the Great’s Mother?

The name of St Basil the Great’s mother has enjoyed a curious fate in Romanian patristic bibliography of the last century, in which it is found most of the time under the form Emilia. My inquiry starts from this largely attested fact, and aims to bring a contribution to the recovery of the correct form Emmelia. Read more...

Oana-Mădălina POPESCU Paraclisul Sfinților Împărați Constantin și Elena

Summary: Paraklesis to the Holy Emperors Constantine and Helena

The present study analyses and puts into scientific circulation two religious manuscripts, which have not been published so far, preserved nowadays at the Library of the Romanian Academy, in Bucharest, being recorded under no. 4913 and respectively 2015. They contain an ancient hymn, dedicated to the Saints Constantine the Great, the emperor of the Byzantine Empire, and to his mother, Helena. The religious text was elaborated, as we can see, by a person named Tarasios, whom we consider to be the Patriarch of Constantinople. So, we assume that the original form of the hymn was written in Greek, at the end of the eighth century or at the beginning of the ninth century and it was translated, subsequently, into the Ancient Slavonic, as it was largely used into the Orthodox community, into the Byzantine Commonwealth. Read more...

Pr. Gruia ZAMFIRESCU Prima lege privind organizarea învățământului teologic în Țările Române – Legea seminarelor preoțești din Muntenia, 1834 (condițiile apariției legii, conținutul ei, regulamentele conexe)

Summary: First Law for the Organization of Theological Education in the Romanian Principalities – The Law for Theological Schools, Wallachia, 1834 (Context, Content, Additional Regulations)

In Wallachia scholarly education developed in tight relationship with church life. Though schools had always existed, only rulers such as Alexandru Ipsilanti (18th century) and Ioan Gheorghe Caragea (19th century) created a local school system. The former established “lower schools” – within the two bishoprics he employed teachers “for elementary knowledge” – in each town of the country and reorganized the Princely School in Bucharest in three courses of study each covering three years. He also attempted to open a seminary (the name belongs to the historian Nicolae Iorga) affiliated to Obedeanu church in Craiova. The second ruler first reorganized the schools in Oltenia, the Slavonic and the Romanian schools at the “St George” Monastery, the music school at the St Sava and the Princely School, all three in Bucharest. The ruler even appointed a committee intended to reform uniformly the educational system in Wallachia. Read more...

Alexandru PRELIPCEAN Historia concordatorum, historia dolorum? Istoria concordatului cu Statul român (1920-1929) și implicarea Bisericii Ortodoxe Române

Summary: Historia Concordatorum, Historia Dolorum? The History of Concordat with the Romanian State (1920-1929) and the Involvement of the Romanian Orthodox Church

This study describes concisely the history of Concordat with the Romanian State in the interwar period. Beyond the need for a diachronic presentation of events occurred between 1920-1929, then from the first negotiation to Concordat ratification, we aim to present and understand the relationship between Church and State, on the one hand, the Romanian Orthodox Church and the Romanian State, on the other hand, the relationship created – through the provisions of Concordat – between the Catholic Church and the Romanian State. In the background research, we intended to establish whether the Romanian Concordat is a paradigm for Church-State relations, or rather a painful reflection of the long history of Concordat. Read more...

Nicolae DRĂGUȘIN Critica argumentului ontologic și proiectul noii metafizici la Immanuel Kant. O încadrare teologică a unei (re)surse a modernității

Summary: The Criticism of the Ontological Argument and the Project of the New Metaphysics at Immanuel Kant. A Theological Framing to One (Re)Source of Modernity

The study aims at sketching the project of the new metaphysics that Immanuel Kant endeavoured to make in his Critique of Pure Reason. The structure follows closely the kantian argumentation: firstly, the presentation of the metaphysics as science and secondly, the criticism of the ontological argument. This objective is framed by a short introduction to the 18th Century defined as preocupation for the status of Reason in knowledge and a conclusion that pushes forward the discussion whether das Ding an Sich (“The Thing-in-Itself”) could be seen as kantian translation of God. Read more...

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