NR. 3 – 2013

Rezumate Studii Teologice 2013.3

Adrian MARINESCU Criteriile și fundamentele patristice ale teologiei, elemente structurale ale teologiei ortodoxe dintotdeauna și premize ale rezolvării problematicii teologice de astăzi (II)

Summary: Patristic criteria and grounds of theology, constant structural elements of Orthodox theology, and premises for solving today’s theological problems

The present study starts from the close intertwining of theology, the thought and ethos of Church Fathers, and Church liturgical practice. According to the Holy Fathers, there can be no theology and theologians outside the Church, seen as presence of the Heavenly Kingdom, and outside complete (liturgical) integration. A true theologian, bearing witness to Christ, to the Church and epitomizing genuine Christian living, is only the one who becomes a living Church whereby God’s work, or God’s collaboration with man, as grounds for all liturgical processes that take place within him and in the world, constituting a concrete, permanent reality. It is only this condition, which in Church History was par excellence the state of Holy Fathers, that can settle all problems, from theological and ecclesiastical ones to mundane ones. Read more...

Pr. Gabriel HEREA Iconic și eclesiologic în teologia părintelui Dumitru Stăniloae

Summary: From creation to the prophetic symbol

The theological writings of Father Professor Dumitru Stăniloae provide an outstanding synthesis of patristic texts undertaken by the author. The results of research carried out by Father Stăniloae in the 20th century is living proof of the dynamic character of the Church Tradition. The books written during the early Christian centuries evince a coherent theological view on the world and its Creator, as well as the fact that those centuries’ Christians employed effective practical methods to reach out to God. Father Dumitru Stăniloae translated into Romanian and gave a modern interpretation to many of the early Christian texts. Read more...

Eugen MAFTEI Părintele Stăniloae și receptarea lui în spațiul francofon. Scurt expozeu

Summary: French-language works dedicated to Father Stăniloae: an overview

Awareness of the inestimable worth of Father Stăniloae’s works and the necessity to have it translated into the most widely-circulating languages, has entailed the need to update the record of his works published in the West. This has prompted the present study which lists the French-language works dedicated to the Romanian theologian so far. Read more...

Pr. Pavel (Călin-Mirel) ROTARU Η προσαγωγη προς τον Πατέρα. Experiența paulină a comuniunii cu Sfânta Treime, în perspectiva triadologiei iconomice a părintelui Dumitru Stăniloae

Summary: Ἡ προσαγωγὴ πρὸς τὸν Πατέρα. The Pauline experience of the communion with the Holy Trinity, in the perspective of the iconomical Triadology of Father Dumitru Stăniloae

The present theological and exegetical study certainly constitutes a challenge to a manner of making theology and biblical exegesis that is dominant in the Western, non-Orthodox, scholarship. The Greek language text of the title represents an allusion to Ephesians 2,18, the concept, as such, of “Holy Trinity” does not appear in the Pauline corpus or in the New Testament, “iconomical Triadology” is a dogmatic theology issue that refers to the out-going saving work of the Trinity in the world, and Fr. Stăniloae is the author of a well-defined and modern theology reflecting and continuing twenty centuries of Christian theology. Read more...

Nicolae DRĂGUȘIN Teodiceea hristologică la Părintele Dumitru Stăniloae

Summary: Fr. Dumitru Stăniloae’s Christological theodicy

The present study explores Fr. Dumitru Stăniloae’s proposed „solution” to the problem of evil. It starts from the Christological character of his works and, more specifically, Christ’s resurrection lying at the core of this Christology. Therefore Fr. Stăniloae’s approach to the matter of evil is essentially Christological. His tenet is that the close relationship between death on the Cross and the resurrection on the third day of the incarnate God provide a key to the problem of evil. Thus, Fr. Stăniloae’s works may be read as a Christological theodicy, too. Read more...

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