NR. 2 – 2011

Rezumate Studii Teologice 2011.2

Alexandru MIHĂILĂ — The holy war ideology as an agent for self-identity in the so-called Deuteronomistic History: The case of 1 Sam 15

Sumar: Ideologia războiului sfânt ca factor pentru identitatea proprie în așa-zisa Istorie Deuteronomistă. Cazul din 1 Sam 15

Plecând de la faptul că încă există o diversitate de opinii ale cercetătorilor despre așa-zisa Istorie Deuteronomistă, este studiat capitolul 15 din 1 Samuel (1 Regi), care reprezintă una dintre cele mai interesante narațiuni biblice despre războiul sfânt și ḥerem (distrugerea totală). Dacă școala germană recunoștea în 1 Sam o redactare târzie profetică (din perioada exilului, către jumătatea sec. al VI-lea îdHr.), școala anglo-americană a încercat să găsească vechi tradiții scrise care ar coborî până în sec. al IX-lea îdHr. (așa-numitul Document Profetic în ipoteza lui Campbell și O’Brien). Read more...

Daniel LEMENI — Dinamica îndrumării spirituale în tradiția pustiei egiptene din secolul al IV-lea

Summary: The Dynamics of spiritual guidance in the 4th-century desert tradition

In the present study, we approach the issue of spiritual fatherhood in Eastern Christian spirituality. Our first, major premise has been the archetypal figure of the spiritual father in the Christian East is epitomized by the Desert Fathers of the 4th-5th centuries. From this perspective, our investigation into the classical texts of early monasticism (especially, Apophtegmata Patrum) has allowed us to remove certain clichées concerning the role of a spiritual director. By this we mean delimiting the spiritual father’s role from other roles that are related by not identical, such as those of teacher (didaskalos), spiritual mentor or even confessor-priest.Read more...

Dumitru-Mitruț POPOIU — Paradisul în viziunea Părinților din pustia Egiptului

Summary: The Paradise according to the Egyptian Fathers

The Paradise is a key concept for religious people everywhere, and has been mainly imagined as a garden of delights, where the original man was placed by God to tend to it and master it. Adamic Paradise and its regaining have been, especially in the Judaic-Christian world, analyzed not only in theological writings, but also in lay ones. Theologians have stressed the spiritual meaning of the first chapters of the Genesis and sought to retrace the steps of the ancestors exiled because of the sin, in other words they have undertaken mystical journeys, closely connected to the purity of life, prayer and fasting. Read more...

Alexandru PRELIPCEAN — Sfântul Roman Melodul – imnograful desăvârșit al Ortodoxiei

Summary: St. Romanos the Melodist – outstanding hymnographer of Orthodoxy

The present study dwells on the life, works and theology of St. Romanos the Melodist, „melodist of melodists” (J. Pitra). Alongside the brief presentation of these three aspects pertaining to Patristic research, we intended to approach some aspects complementing the study of Romaneic kontakia, such as manuscripts and critical editions/contemporary translations of the Byzantine melodist’s works. Read more...

Eugen MAFTEI — A fost Sfântul Atanasie apolinarist?

Summary: Was St. Athanasius an Apollinarianist?

The present article attempts to provide answers to certain questions on how St. Athanasius of  Alexandria perceived the humanity of our Saviour Christ, some of them tending to equate his thinking to that of Apollinarius of Laodicea. We assert from the very beginning that the Orthodoxy and the compliance of a Holy Father’s thinking with the doctrine of the Church is ascertained by the Church itself; one’s inclusion among the Holy Fathers canon is the very guarantee of his Orthodoxy, since it is done with the assistance of the Holy Spirit and consecrated by the Church’s uninterupted Tradition. Read more...

Raul-Constantin TĂNASE — Biserica și regimul fanariot. Politica reformatoare a lui Constantin Mavrocordat în Țările Române

Summary: The Church and the Phanariote regime. The reform policy of Constantin Mavrocordat

The 18th century, dubbed „the Enlightenment century,” stands out in universal historiography due to its political, social, cultural reforms as well as the national freedom movements, laying the grounds for the development of new mindsets. The situation was not, however, homogenous throughout Europe, since in its south-east still prevailed „medieval customs with multiple Oriental influences” (Neagu Djuvara). Read more...

Emanuel CONȚAC — Tradiția biblică românească. o prezentare succintă din perspectiva principalelor versiuni românești ale Sfintei Scripturi

Summary: The Romanian Biblical Tradition: A Survey from the Perspective of the Most Important Romanian Versions of the Holy Scripture

The present article surveys the Romanian biblical tradition, understood as the totality of Romanian versions, partial or complete, in manuscript or printed form, regardless of the cultural, political and denominational milieu in which they have been produced. Given the scarcity of studies on this generous topic, this article aims at sparking the interest for similar or more in-depth presentations. Read more...

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