NR. 1 – 2011

Rezumate Studii Teologice 2011.1

Dom Michel VAN PARYS — De l’Horeb au Thabor. Le Christ transfiguré dans les homélies byzantines

Rezumat: De la Horeb la Tabor. Hristos schimbat la Față în omiliile bizantine

Studiul tratează receptarea sărbătorii Schimbării la Față a Mântuitorului Hristos în cadrul omiletic bizantin, plecând de la cele aproape 50 de omilii patristice păstrate. Mai întâi, sunt prezentate operele de până la sinodul II ecumenic, care fac referire la Schimbarea la Față. În apocrifa Faptele lui Petru, în cap. 20, se spune că fiecare Îl vede pe Hristos după putință, iar în Faptele lui Ioan, 90-92, se arată experiența mistică a apostolului. Read more...

Marinel Laurențiu MARCU — The feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos: a synthesis of the Ancient Traditions of the Virgin Mary’s Dormition

Rezumat: Sărbătoarea Adormirii Maicii Domnului. O sinteză a vechilor tradiții despre Adormirea Fecioarei Maria

Adormirea Maicii Domnului (15 aug.), Koimesis, este ultima dintre sărbătorile importante ale anului bisericesc. Noul Testament nu conține nicio informație despre sfârșitul pământesc al Maicii Domnului, ci doar încredințarea acesteia ucenicului iubit (In 1, 26-27) și petrecerea în rugăciune împreună cu Apostolii (FA 1, 14). Read more...

Mihai GRIGORE — Christus der Krieger. Überlegungen zu einem Inkulturationsphänomen anhand der altsächsischen Heliand-Übersetzung

Rezumat: Războinicul Hristos. Considerații asupra fenomenului de inculturație pe marginea traducerii vechi saxone Heliand

Studiul de față abordează problema traducerilor timpurii ale Sfintei Scripturi în limbi regionale, după exemplul traducerii lui Ulfila din sec. al IV-lea. În cazul nostru, avem de-a face cu un izvor poate și mai important: așa-numita traducere „Heliand“ a Sfintei Scripturi în saxona veche (aprox. secolul al IX-lea). Importanța de care vorbim este dată de realitatea că această traducere face parte din strategia mai amplă de misionare a saxonilor, acțiune începută de Carol cel Mare și definitivată abia în sec. al X-lea. Read more...

Pr. Ioan C. TEȘU — Familia contemporană – între ideal și criză

Summary: The Contemporary Family – Ideal Versus Crisis

The family represents a living „laboratory” of human destinies, both personal and national. At all times, it has provided a benchmark, a standard of morality or, on the contrary, an expression of human transgression and libertinism. The family is also considered a  „microecclesia” or the „home Church” and, implicitly, the relations between the various generations and the family members obviously illustrate the way in which each Christian  understands, conveys and carries out the evangelical message or, in other words, the impact of the Church ministry on every family and every Christian. Read more...

Arhim. Policarp CHIȚULESCU — Cărți din bibliotecile medievale românești păstrate în Biblioteca Sfântului Sinod

Summary: Books from Romanian Mediaeval Libraries, kept in the Holy Synod Library

The Romanian Orthodox Church, as very well known, forms the cradle of Romanian culture, civilization and spirituality. It created and promoted the values and activities that had their source in the inner beauty of the human being, springing from faith and meditation. Also in the threshold of the Church, the first printing presses were built up, bringing to life the first printed materials in our country; Romanians also took care of their fellow orthodox believers from the Oriental world and from other regions that were suffering from the heavy Ottoman yoke, by sending them books and printed materials in their language bountifully, in order to feed their spirit. Read more...

Cristian ANTONESCU — Putere politică și putere bisericească la Sfântul Ioan Gură de Aur

Summary: Political vs. ecclesiastic power in the view of St. John Chrysostom

St. John Chrysostom did not write any treatise on power and political authority, however his views on this topic can be ascertained from the texts touching on it. To St. John, earthly power is far below ecclesiastical power. The reason is that worldly power commands earthly things, while ecclesiastic power commands the truly important things, that is the spiritual ones. St. John’s teaching on the importance of political power is based on the authority conferred to it by God. The authority of lay power thus has divine grounds, and is granted to people by God Himself. Read more...

Oana Mădălina POPESCU — Mânăstirea Zlătari din București în lumina unor catagrafii inedite din veacul al XIX-lea

Summary: Zlătari Monastery in Bucharest in the light of some unpublished inventories of the nineteenth century

Zlătari Monastery in Bucharest, dating back from the sixteenth century, in accordance with the archaeological evidences and mentioned in written documents beginning with the seventeenth century, was dedicated to the Apostolic Throne of Alexandria (Egypt), in the time of Constantin Brâncoveanu, the ruler of Wallachia. A diptych of 1854, written in the Greek Language and preserved at the Library of the Romanian Academy, attests the fact that the church was restored in 1692 and then, completely reconstructed in 1851, in the time of Calistrat Livis, the hegumen of the monastery. The works of rebuilding were finished by the hegumen Athanasie, the successor of Calistrat. Read more...

Cezar UNGUREANU — „Lege” și „legi” după Romani 7. O perspectivă a teologiei baptismale pauline

Summary: „Law” and „laws” according to Romans 7. A perspective of Pauline Baptismal theology

The present article starts from the Romanian Biblical versions of the Epistle to the Romans, confronting the reader with numerous difficulties of traductological nature. These issues hinder the understanding of the sacred text, because they render certain Greek terms ambiguous and confusing. In particular, we present the Pauline approach to laws in the above-mentioned epistle, focusing on chapter seven and the term „νόμος”. Read more...

Răzvan PERȘA — Omul – subiect pasiv în renașterea baptismală. O perspectivă ioaneică

Summary: Man – a passive subject in baptismal rebirth. A Johannine perspective

The present article starts from the remark that Romanian Biblical editions render the verbs related to baptismal rebirth by reflexive forms and meanings, unlike the Greek Biblical text which presents the passive voice as the only authentic version from grammatical, semantic and theological perspective. Thus, this article aims to demonstrate that man is a passive subject of baptismal rebirth, based on the Johannine perspective on Baptism, and on the interpretation of the verb γεννάω as a reality of baptismal rebirth, as against the verb βαπτίζω. It also intends to bring up for further discussion, through philological, Biblical and Patristic argumentation, the fundamental soteriological issue underlying a genuine comprehension of the Holy Baptism’s mystery. Read more...

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