NR. 1 – 2020

Rezumate Studii Teologice 2020.1

Pr. Prof. Dr. Cristinel IOJA — Euharistia în pandemie – Influențele răului și lupta spiritual

Summary: The Eucharist during the pandemic: the influence of evil and the spiritual struggle

The issue of possible contamination of people through the Eucharist requires a discussion on its nature and on the testimonies of Tradition, while the discussion on the manners of communion can be achieved by resorting to the Church Tradition, which includes a diversity of practices. But beyond the diversity of communion ways in the Eastern Tradition during the tumultuous history of Christianity, I consider that the central point which must be clarified in the context of the pandemic in a secularized and autonomous world from God, concerns the nature of the Eucharist. This is a dogmatic issue particularly relevant to the life, faith, and experience of the Church in history. However, epidemiologists have decided: the spoon is a source of contamination, although it has been part of the Church’s practice for almost nine centuries. Read more...

Conf. Dr. Adrian LEMENI — Vremea pandemiei convertită într-o viață trăită în duh de pocăință și de smerenie

Summary: The time of pandemic, converted into a life lived in the spirit of humility and contrition

The worldly spirit, obstinately fostered over the last decades, has solidified human sence of self-reliance. Today’s technological system has rigorously organized this worldly spirit, fuelling the delusion of self-sufficiency and the luciferic spirit of autonomous power. The current pandemic reveals the fragility of our fallen condition, and directs us towards an attitude that overcomes self-sufficiency and simplifies existence, focusing on the essential. We should not be naive or conformist (so that we do not become bothersome, or rather so that we may be more interested in seeking, from a theological perspective, a justification of a stance promoted by the current mainstream), but in my opinion our focus should mainly fall on awareness of our own shortcomings and sins. Read more...


Summary: Τὸ Πνεῦμα τοῦ Υἱοῦ. Research on the relationship of the Holy Spirit with the Son in the work of Saint Athanasius the Great

The Christian doctrine of the Holy Trinity is a fundamental truth. The knowledge and the assumption of faith in God, as well as the experience of man’s relationship with God depend on the understanding of this truth. The existence and even the manifestation of God remains a mystery, which man can comprehend only if God Himself reveals it to him and makes him partaker of the communion with Him. Read more...

Dr. Ciprian Costin APINTILIESEI — Sofia divină și Sufletul lumii în metafizica lui Vladimir Soloviov

Summary: Sophia – the divine Wisdom and the Soul of the world in Vladimir Soloviev’s metaphysics

The present article focuses on two central concepts in Soloviev’s philosophical work, namely Sophia or Divine Wisdom (София) and the Soul of the World (Душа мира), as they are likely to have founded the famous dyad of Bulgakov’s metaphysics, that of the divine uncreated Sofia and the created Sofia. Consequently, the three questions that make up the structure of this article are as follows: 1. What are the basic features of the Solovievian understanding of the Absolute Principle? 2. What are Sophia and the Soul of the world in Soloviev’s early writings, that is, in his writings of the 1870s, and what is the relationship between them? 3. What do the two notions designate in Soloviev’s late writings, that is, those after 1885? Read more...

Pr. Dr. Traian NOJEA — Eclesiologia ortodoxă în raport cu eclesiologia celorlalte confesiuni creștine. Câteva considerații interconfesionale, în viziunea Pr. Ion Bria

Summary: Orthodox ecclesiology versus the ecclesiology of the other Christian denominations. Interdenominational considerations put forth by Fr. Ion Bria

The impressive theological work of Priest Professor Ion Bria is of extraordinary importance in many aspects of Orthodox theology and beyond, which is why it has been positively received during his life, with some small exceptions, which concern certain debatable aspects of the theology expressed by him. All this is nothing more than the consequence of a certain way of understanding ecumenism, of being involved in solving its problems, and of understanding the rapprochement between Christian denominations through dialogue. Read more...

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