NR. 4 – 2019

Rezumate Studii Teologice 2019.4

Pr. Prof. Dr. Nicușor BELDIMAN — Idei dogmatice în opera omiletică a Patriarhului Iustin Moisescu

Summary: Dogmatic Theology topics addressed in the homilies of Patriarch Iustin Moisescu

Patriarch Iustin’s reputation as outstanding theologian was gained and constantly confirmed since his first forays into the field of theology. His theological thinking left a trail of light, even since his teenage years. As patriarch, he served Orthodoxy by championing a living theology, rooted in prayer, faith and the experience of spiritual life. Throughout his activity as Patriarch, he was constantly interested in education and in putting it in agreement with the time’s demands. Among other occasional speeches, he wrote numerous pastoral letters on the Nativity and Resurrection of the Lord. Read more...

Pr. Prof. Dr. Leontin POPESCU — Moartea și sfârșitul pământesc al omului, în înțelepciunea biblică

Summary: Death and the Earthly End of Man according to Biblical Wisdom

The study, relying solely on biblical hermeneutics and less intentionally on patristic sources on the mystery of death in the Holy Scripture, attempts to bring before the reader the biblical understanding of the causes, attitudes and perceptions of this moment in the life of the biblical man. It starts from the Old Testament by distinguishing among the notions of body, soul and spirit, showing that it is not a trichotomism, but each expression indicates the unity of the human being with different emphases: “basar” refers to a natural limit, “nefesh” refers to a state characteristic to the state of life; and “ruah” refers to the breath of life that comes from God. Read more...

Dr. Alexandru MĂLUREANU — The Mission of Theology in the perspective of communication and communion – Public Theology

Summary: Misiunea Teologiei din perspectiva comunicării și a comuniunii – Teologia publică

Astăzi trăim o adevărată criză a comunicării, o dramă a comunicării fără co­mu­niune, o însingurare în comunicare. Deși există din ce în ce mai multe mijloace de comunicare, oamenii se simt totuși singuri, comunicarea devenind impersonală, iar viața comunitară fiind deformată de dorințe exclusiviste și individualiste. Omul modern este atras de comuniune, chiar dacă nu o înțelege în adevăratul ei sens. Astfel, el preferă să se alăture organizațiilor și asociațiilor, să fie membru al grupurilor sociale, să facă parte dintr-un grup de prieteni sau dintr-un grup de indivizi cu preocupări și interese comune. Comuniunea nu înseamnă colectivism la nivelul relațiilor sociale și nici socializare în cadrul unei comunități. Read more...

Protos. Drd. Joachim BEJENARIU — Germenii Revoluției din Octombrie 1917

Summary: Causes of the Revolution of October 1917

The October Revolution of 1917 was the historic event which resulted in the demise of a dynasty that had ruled Russia for over three centuries, and in the installation of a political regime based on a socialist doctrine. The Revolution cannot be understood unless one considers in retrospect the main historical moments which kindled the revolutionary spirit of the Russian people. An overview of the history of Russian Empire during the second half of the 19th century reveals the main triggers of the Revolution. The enabler of revolutionary ideas, who created a favorable atmosphere, was Tsar Alexander III (1881-1894), who preferred to „play it safe”, with­out anticipating the consequences of such policy. Read more...

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