NR. 1 – 2014

Rezumate Studii Teologice 2014.1

Diak. Cosmin Daniel PRICOP Dynamik des Verhältnisses orthodoxer Theologen zu der historisch-kritischen Methode und westlicher Theologen zu dem kirchenväterlichen Schriftverständnis

Rezumat: Dinamica legăturilor teologilor ortodocși cu metoda exegetică istorico-critică și a teologilor vestici cu gândirea scripturistică patristică

Studiul de față, intitulat Dinamica legăturilor teologilor ortodocși cu metoda exegetică istorico-critică și a teologilor vestici cu gândirea scripturistică patristică, încearcă să surprindă felul în care studiile biblice ortodoxă receptează particularități ale exegezei și ermineuticii occidentale, de tip academic și cu o profundă configurație istorico-critică, dar în același timp și motivele pentru care interpretarea scripturistică patristică (adică ceea ce ortodocșii numesc în peisajul teologiei biblice Sfânta Tradiție) devine interesantă pentru spațiul teologic biblic occidental. Read more...

Adrian MARINESCU „«Logos» und «Logoi». Das theologische Denken des hl. Maximus des Bekenners (†662) über die göttlichen (plastizisierten) Rationalitäten in seinem „Kommentar zum Vater unser“ und seine Rezeption bei Vater Dumitru Stăniloae (†1993)”

Rezumat: Logos și logoi. Gândirea teologică a Sf. Maxim Mărturisitorul (†662) cu privire la rațiunile dumnezeiești (plasticizate), potrivit comentariului său la rugăciunea Tatăl nostru, și receptarea ei la Pr. Dumitru Stăniloae (†1993)

Sf. Maxim Mărturisitorul (†662) – autor patristic căruia Păr. Dumitru Stăniloae i-a arătat cea mai mare atenție și despre care spunea, cu puțin timp înainte de a adormi în Domnul, că încă nu a reușit să îl epuizeze, că îl citește și descoperă în continuare lucruri noi – este cunoscut ca teolog prin excelență al rațiunilor dumnezeiești, chiar dacă înaintea sa Părinți ai Bisericii, precum Sf. Iustin Martirul și Filosoful (†165), au tratat și ei această temă și chiar dacă după el, alți mari Părinți și teologi ai Bisericii, precum Sf. Grigorie Palama (†1359), au încercat să realizeze o sinteză a acestei teme centrale și să o dezvolte mai departe. Read more...

Pr. Vasile GORDON Predica, predicatorul și ascultătorii. Studiu pastoral-liturgic

Summary: Sermon, Preacher and Audience. A Pastoral-Liturgical Study

The present study is interdisciplinary, both pastoral-liturgical and homiletic, thus belonging to the corpus of Practical Theology literature. It comprises three parts complementing each other, namely: sermon, pracher and audience, each examined in a liturgical and pastoral-missionary context. Read more...

Tincuța CLOȘCĂ Ornamentele retoricii clasice și cei trei mari Părinți capadocieni

Summary: The devices of classical rhetoric and the three great Cappadocian Fathers

The art of oratory had lost much of its practical relevance during the 2nd-3rd centuries, lapsing into „pure art”, and occasionally into shallow aestheticism. Orators were now too little interested in truth. They rivalled in eloquence, perorating on the most abstract topics, often suggested by their audience. An orator’s main concern was to elicit the admiration of his listeners, less impressed with the contents of the speech than its skilful delivery. This required not only an elegant, subtle discourse but also a departure from the common idiom towards the semantic and morphological structures of the Attic dialect, the literary language of the great classics. Their style was a lofty one, rich in literary devices according to the tradition of classical epideictic discourse. Such eloquence was criticized not only by the Church Fathers but also by many pagan thinkers of late Antiquity. Read more...

Radu CARP Autonomia religiilor: Avem cu adevărat nevoie de un cadru unitar? Iluzia folosirii drepturilor omului ca arbitru între cultură și religie

Summary: Autonomy of religions: do we really need a unitary framework? The illusion of using human rights as arbiters between culture and religion

In 2012 the European Court of Human Rights made two decisions that are completely opposite regarding the principle of religious autonomy. In the case Sindicatul Păstorul cel bun v. Romania, the right of some priests to create unions against the will and law of their Orthodox Church was recognized. In the case Fernandez – Martínez v. Spain, the Court underlined the “special confidence link” which must unite a Catholic religion teacher with the Catholic Church, judged that “the applicant was submitted to an increased obligation of loyalty” and concluded that the religious authorities, in refusing to renew his contract as a teacher, “simply fulfilled their obligations in accordance with the principle of religious autonomy”. The first case has been referred to the Grand Chamber and the final judgment of 2013 is just the opposite of the original one. Read more...

Oana-Mădălina POPESCU Din istoria economică a Mănăstirii Radu-Vodă. Două documente de la mijlocul veacului al XVIII-lea

Summary: Fragments of the economic history of the Radu-Vodă Monastery: two documents dating back from the XVIIIth century

Our study presents and analyses two important documents, dating back from the middle of the XVIIIth century, regarding the economic history of the Radu-Vodă Monastery in Bucharest. The documents, written in the Romanian language, but with Cyrillic characters, are nowadays held by the Romanian National Archives. Read more...

Cezar UNGUREANU Paradigme apostolice ale dialogului dintre Biserică și modernitate: De la Petru și Pavel la Petru sau Pavel

Summary: Apostolic paradigms of the dialogue between Church and Modernity: from Peter and Paul, to Peter or Paul

Most likely, one of the greatest challenges Orthodoxy is now facing is how to provide a concrete response to the historical, social and political context in which we live as members of Christ’s body and citizens of a particular country. The present study identifies and assesses the Biblical grounds for the Church-secular world dialogue, with a special focus on the issue of Modernity. My aim is to demonstrate that the last 500 years of Western religious modernity can be described as a political outlook on the two apostles, by which Paul seeks to gain a historical „upper hand” over Peter. This antagonism with manifold consequences has ideologized Tradition in order to lend legitimate political and social authority to the ecclesial sphere. The research method I employ is that of social theology, understood as a prophetically- and ethically-oriented reflection of the Church on society and itself. Read more...

Daniel LEMENI Originile monahismului egiptean (sec. III-IV). Status quaestionis

Summary: Origins of Egyptian monasticism (IIIrd-IVth centuries): Status Quaestionis

Specialized literature holds stereotypical views on the origins of Egyptian monasticism: 1) St. Antony was the founder of eremitic monasticism, 2) St. Pachomius was the founder of coenobitic monasticism, and 3) Egypt was its birthplace. In our opinion these textbook-like assertions are inaccurate. Is there, however, any truth in them? Although there is indeed, juxtaposing the three standard answers mentioned above suggests that the origins of monasticism are well ascertained, that they lie with one or two persons and, finally, that they can be confined to one geographic area. Read more...

Pr. Marius Daniel CIOBOTĂ Pathos și personalitate în discursul omiletic

Summary: Pathos and personality in the homiletic discourse

This study aims to highlight the elements of the psycho-affective background, within homiletic interaction. Beyond religious ideas and concepts, images and ethical advice, the preacher and the faithful who receive the message of the sermon relate interpersonally, employing for this purpose a comprehensive range of cognitive and especially emotional reactions. Read more...

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